Rules & Regulations For Virtual Book Club (VBC)

Book Nook Corner Virtual Book Club Message:

First and foremost, this is a safe space and we don’t judge others for their opinions or likes. That being said, one of the main goals of Virtual Book club (Here after referred to VBC) is to have fun and share our love books with other like-minded individuals. There is some cost to VBC but it’s only the cost of the book for the month, so that you can read the material we will be discussing at the beginning of the month when meet. Should you have any questions about VBC please contact the group organizer. Below is the full list of rules for VBC.

  1. Be kind to others
  2. Try not to talk over other members.
  3. Keep an open mind.
  4. Be honest
  5. Be respectful.
  6. Remember to RSVP for every session.
  7. Remember to Bring questions.
  8. You don’t have to speak all the time.
  9. Make sure you’re in a quiet, clean location when logging in for the meeting.
  10. Confirm that your systems are working properly before the meeting so it can start on time.