Kings Cage

The Red Queen
Victoria Aveyard
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Book Synopsis

In this breathless third installment to Victoria Aveyard’s bestselling Red Queen series, allegiances are tested on every side. And when the Lightning Girl's spark is gone, who will light the way for the rebellion?

Mare Barrow is a prisoner, powerless without her lightning, tormented by her lethal mistakes. She lives at the mercy of a boy she once loved, a boy made of lies and betrayal. Now a king, Maven Calore continues weaving his dead mother's web in an attempt to maintain control over his country—and his prisoner.

As Mare bears the weight of Silent Stone in the palace, her once-ragtag band of newbloods and Reds continue organizing, training, and expanding. They prepare for war, no longer able to linger in the shadows. And Cal, the exiled prince with his claim on Mare's heart, will stop at nothing to bring her back.

When blood turns blood and ability on ability, there may be no one left to put out the fire—leaving Norta, as Mare knows it, to burn all the way down.

The Hook

As I dive into King's Cage by Victoria Aveyard, I can’t help but feel both excitement and anticipation for what’s to come in this next installment of the Red Queen series. Based on the synopsis, it’s clear that Mare Barrow is in for a brutal time as Maven’s prisoner. Stripped of her lightning power and locked away in his palace, it seems like torment and torture will be her new reality. But part of me hopes that Maven, in his twisted obsession, will realize that no matter how much he tries, Mare won’t break. And that realization might make him fall even more in love with her. If she can play to his emotions, perhaps she can find a way to use his feelings to her advantage and escape his grasp. At least, that’s what I’m rooting for, though with Victoria Aveyard’s signature plot twists, anything could happen!

What I’m really looking forward to is seeing more of the dynamic between Mare and Maven. Their complicated relationship is one of the most fascinating parts of the series, and I’d love to see how Maven reacts when he realizes just how strong Mare truly is. Will his obsession grow to the point of no return, just in time for Cal and Mare’s friends to stage her rescue? And when that happens, how desperate will Maven become to get her back? There’s so much potential for psychological tension in this book, and I’m eager to see how it all plays out.

But with a looming civil war on top of the ongoing conflict with the Lakelanders, Maven might have bitten off more than he can chew. Juggling two wars while trying to maintain control of Mare seems like a recipe for disaster, and I wonder if this will be his undoing. Will he be forced to let Mare go, or will his obsession drive him to ruin? I can’t wait to see how it all unfolds in King’s Cage. Join me on this wild ride as we explore what happens next in the world of Red Queen.

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Book Review

By Blogger:
Dee Szuba

Reflecting on King's Cage by Victoria Aveyard, I have mixed feelings about the journey we went on with Mare in this book. It took me three days to finish, mainly because it was hard to get into at first. There wasn’t much that grabbed my interest in the beginning—it was a lot of Mare being locked up, powerless, and isolated. While that makes sense, given the storyline, it didn’t provide the excitement I was hoping for. I also expected more development from Maven, but he remained cruel, and it felt like he was trying to keep Mare as a pet rather than showing any deeper complexity. I had really hoped that now, with his mother gone, Maven would try to redeem himself with Mare, but that didn’t happen.

What disappointed me most was that only half the book seemed to focus on Mare and Maven. The rest was divided between Mare’s return to the Red Dawn and Cal’s storyline, which made the book feel somewhat disjointed. It felt like too many different elements were being thrown into the story without fully coming together. I wanted more from the Mare-Maven dynamic, but it seemed like the plot wandered in other directions, leaving me feeling a bit unsatisfied.

That said, I’m still holding out hope for a stronger conclusion in War Storm, the final book in the series. I’m curious to see how everything wraps up and if we get the resolution I’ve been waiting for. Here’s to hoping the next installment delivers a more cohesive and engaging story!

Book Spoilers

Disclaimer: This section might contain Spoilers about the book because, as we read the books we try to provide readers with information that might catch them off guard  and/or trigger them to in one way or another. This is the main reason for this blog was created.

King’s Cage by Victoria Aveyard is another relatively safe read for younger audiences, particularly those aged 13 and older. There’s no inappropriate language or scenes that might be considered offensive, which makes it suitable for younger readers. The only element that might be a little intense is that Mare, the protagonist, spends the first half of the book essentially caged and treated like a slave. While this isn’t overly graphic, it’s still a heavy theme that younger readers should be prepared for.

Spoiler Alert: One scene that really stood out to me was when Maven talks to Mare about missing her birthday and offers her a birthday wish—answering one question truthfully. This moment was one of the rare times in the book where we get to see Maven’s vulnerability. For once, he’s open and honest, admitting that the reason he is the way he is stems from his mother’s manipulation, and there’s no fixing it. It was a glimpse into his more human side, and I liked how this scene gave us that brief look at his emotional turmoil.

What surprised me, though, was Mare’s reaction—she snaps at Maven instead of showing sympathy or trying to understand him. I get that she’s trying to protect her heart, but it was an interesting twist to see her react that way when Maven was actually being truthful for once. This scene really stuck with me because it’s one of the few times you feel like there might be a chance to save Maven. It was a powerful moment that kept me engaged and made me wonder if there’s any hope for his redemption. All in all, it’s a good book for younger readers, with just enough depth and emotion to make it a worthwhile addition to the Red Queen series.

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