C.L. Wilson

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C.L. Wilson is a bestselling author known for her unique blend of fantasy, action, and emotional intensity, which appeals to both romance and fantasy readers. Her books, praised for their exceptional worldbuilding and lyrical writing, have appeared on major bestseller lists like the USA Today, New York Times, and Publisher's Weekly. Wilson has won numerous awards, including the Gayle Wilson Award of Excellence, two National Reader's Choice Awards, and the PEARL award for Best New Author in 2007. When not writing, she enjoys spending time with her family in Florida and daydreaming about indulgent foods like chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream being healthy.

Blogs Of Authors Books

Lord of the Fading Lands

Once, he drove back to the darkness.

Once, he loved with such passion that it made him a legend.

Once driven wild with grief over the murder of his beloved, the majestic Fey King Rain Tairen Soul had laid waste to the world before vanishing into the Fading Lands. Now, a thousand years later, a new threat draws him back into the world—and a new love reawakens the heart he thought long dead.

Ellysetta, a woodcarver’s daughter, calls to Rain in a way no other ever had. Mysterious and magical, her soul beckons him with a compelling, seductive song—and no matter the cost, the wildness in his blood will not be denied.

As an ancient, familiar evil regains its strength, causing centuries-old alliances to crumble and threatening doom for Rain and his people... he must claim his true mate to embrace the destiny woven for them both in the mists of time.

Lady of Light and Shadows

She feared the dark visions and magic within her, and she dreamed of the miraculous love that could save her.

Like an enchanted fairy tale prince, he stepped from the sky to claim her—the Fey King, her destiny, her one and true love.

But behind the mesmerizing beauty of Rain’s violet eyes, Ellysetta saw the passionate hunger of the beast . . . and sorrow, deep and ancient, that she alone could heal. Only for him would she embrace the frightening power that dwells within her. Only with him at her side could she confront the shadows that haunt her soul. For an epic battle looms on the horizon—and only united can they hope to turn back the armies of the darkness.

King of Sword and Sky

King of Sword and Sky is the third book in the epic romantic adventure that combines sweeping fantasy with breathtaking paranormal romance. USA Today and New York Times bestseller C. L. Wilson’s magnificent story continues—as the Fey King Rain must risk everything for his true mate Ellysetta, even as he struggles to save his imperiled kingdom with magic, sword, and flame…and by awakening the astonishing dormant inner power that his lady love possesses.