Lady of Light and Shadows

Tairen Soul
C.L. Wilson
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Book Synopsis

She feared the dark visions and magic within her, and she dreamed of the miraculous love that could save her.

Like an enchanted fairy tale prince, he stepped from the sky to claim her—the Fey King, her destiny, her one and true love.

But behind the mesmerizing beauty of Rain’s violet eyes, Ellysetta saw the passionate hunger of the beast . . . and sorrow, deep and ancient, that she alone could heal. Only for him would she embrace the frightening power that dwells within her. Only with him at her side could she confront the shadows that haunt her soul. For an epic battle looms on the horizon—and only united can they hope to turn back the armies of the darkness.

The Hook

As I dive into Lady of Light and Shadow by C.L. Wilson, I’m excited to see where this epic fantasy of magic, adventure, and suspense takes us next. From what I’ve gathered, Ellysetta and Rain face deep struggles in accepting certain parts of each other, making their bond feel incomplete. Ellysetta’s lingering fear of Rain’s power, combined with the looming battle, suggests that their journey won’t be an easy one. With darkness on the horizon, I can’t help but wonder if they’ll be able to fight back the forces threatening their world. Let’s find out in this next installment of the Tairen Soul series!

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Book Review

By Blogger:
Dee Szuba

Lady of Light and Shadows by C.L. Wilson was definitely an interesting read. While it starts off a bit slow, it picks up right where the first book left off, with Rain still in Ellysetta’s room after her nightmare. From there, we get to see the bond between Rain and Ellie grow stronger, but honestly, Ellie is still frustrating to me. She keeps running from who she truly is, and until she accepts that, she’s never going to fully complete her bond with Rain. It’s one of those moments where you just want to tell her to stop running and embrace her power already!

But putting my personal feelings about Ellie aside, C.L. Wilson did an amazing job in building this world. The depth of the struggles between Ellie and Rain, alongside the larger forces at play, makes the story truly immersive. The character development is deep and well thought out, and I loved seeing how each character’s story is being shaped. Though the beginning is slower, it definitely picks up in the middle and towards the end with more action and plot development.

Either way, I’m excited to jump into the next book, King of Sword and Sky. I can’t wait to see where the story takes us next and how Ellie and Rain continue to navigate their challenges. Let’s see what adventures lie ahead!

Book Spoilers

Disclaimer: This section might contain Spoilers about the book because, as we read the books we try to provide readers with information that might catch them off guard  and/or trigger them to in one way or another. This is the main reason for this blog was created.

I want to give readers a fair warning before diving into Lady of Light and Shadows by C.L. Wilson. This book isn’t for the faint of heart. There are scenes where abuse is briefly described, reflecting the cruelty of the mages, and if abuse is a triggering topic for you, this may not be the best book to pick up. The themes of darkness and evil are woven deeply into the story, so please be mindful before proceeding.

Spoiler Alert:

Now, let’s talk about some of the key moments in the book. One of my favorite scenes is when Ellysetta heals Galen. This moment truly shows her raw power, acting on pure instinct. It’s also where I started to see her grow into the queen she’s meant to be. Her journey of maturity really begins here, as she steps into her role as the future Queen of the Fey. That being said, Ellysetta still frustrates me at times—she spends so much energy running from herself and doubting her magic. She constantly views herself as evil when she should see herself as protective and strong.

Galen, on the other hand, is quickly becoming one of my favorite characters. He’s sarcastic and confident, which can come off as arrogance, but I genuinely believe he’s trying to help, not just show off. With his long life, it’s impressive he’s not more arrogant! Ellysetta healing his soul seems to have softened him a bit, and I’m eager to see how his character evolves. Bel is still another favorite of mine—he’s laid-back but fiercely protective of Ellysetta, and I love how his playful side starts to show more after Ellysetta heals him. I see him becoming one of her most trusted confidants as the story continues.

Ellysetta’s mother was a real struggle for me in this book. For most of the story, I wanted to shake her and tell her to trust her daughter. Her constant doubt in Ellysetta’s devotion made it seem like she didn’t love her the way a mother should. But when she defended Ellysetta in the Cathedral and sacrificed her life for her daughter, I finally saw her love shine through. It redeemed her in my eyes, and I think this moment was necessary for Ellysetta’s growth as well.

Finally, we have Rain. For someone who preaches about trust and bonding, he was awfully quick to abandon Ellysetta when Galen showed him the mage marks on her heart. I get that it was overwhelming, and he did come back, but I would’ve given him hell for that! I understand why he left, but I also think it shows the pressure and complexity of their relationship. I also have a hunch that Ellysetta’s younger sisters might be mates with Kiren and Keial, though they’re too young to realize it just yet. Just a thought for my fellow readers!

I’m eager to jump into King of Sword and Sky and see where this adventure takes us next in the Tairen Soul series.

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