A Dance of Blades

David Dalglish
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Book Synopsis

The war between the thief guilds and the powerful allegiance known as the Trifect has slowly dwindled. Now only the mysterious Haern is left to wage his private battle against the guilds in the guise of the Watcher - a vicious killer who knows no limits. But when the son of Alyssa Gemcroft, one of the three leaders of the Trifect, is believed murdered, the slaughter begins anew. Mercenaries flood the streets with one goal in mind: find and kill the Watcher.

The Hook

Will Haern be able to maintain peace, or will he be hunted for a crime he did not commit. Will a mother's grief rain destruction down on the city of Veldaren read on and see.

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Book Review

By Blogger:
Chrissy DeCario

This book takes 5 years to the day of the bloody kengsgold, Is it not ironic that betrayal occurs from those that are closest to us I feel this book is a good example on how people deal with grief differently. One of the new faces we meet is Zusa for whom I like her attitude and her fighting style a good complement to the watcher. I was disappointed that Senke a friend and mentor to Aaron and one who understood him better than anyone even his father whom Aaron betrayed and remade himself into Haern.

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Sexual assault,

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