A Hidden Fire

Elemental Mysteries
Elizabeth Hunter
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Book Synopsis

“No secret stays hidden forever.”  

The  explosive international bestseller where history, romance, and the paranormal  collide.

A phone call from an old friend sets immortal book dealer  Giovanni Vecchio back on the path of a mysterious manuscript he's hunted for  over five hundred years. He never expected a young student librarian to be  the key to unlock its secrets, nor could he have predicted the danger she  would attract. Now, he and Beatrice De Novo follow a twisted maze that leads  from the archives of a university library through the fires of Renaissance  Florence and toward a confrontation hundreds of years in the making.

A HIDDEN FIRE is the first book in the Elemental Mysteries  series by ten-time USA Today bestseller Elizabeth Hunter, author of the  Elemental Legacy series, the Irin Chronicles, and the Glimmer Lake series

The Hook

I want to extend a heartfelt thank you to Dana Porter for recommending the book "A Hidden Fire" by Elizabeth Hunter. It was an exciting and thoughtful choice, and I’m eager to dive into this new adventure. The synopsis alone has me hooked, and I can’t wait to see what mysteries and twists the story holds.

From what I gather, the book dealer Giovanni is not your ordinary human. There’s something otherworldly about him—perhaps he’s an immortal being, possibly a vampire, a fae, or even an angel. The mere hint of his mysterious nature piqued my curiosity piqued. The idea of unraveling his secrets, especially alongside the character Beatrice, promises to be a thrilling ride.

I’ve always enjoyed stories that blend elements of the supernatural with a good mystery, and "A Hidden Fire" seems to do just that. I’m particularly looking forward to exploring the dynamic between Giovanni and Beatrice. Their interactions and the unfolding of the mystery surrounding Giovanni’s true nature sound like they’ll keep me on the edge of my seat. This book sounds like a perfect blend of intrigue, supernatural elements, and compelling characters— which is right up my alley.

Once again, thank you, Dana, for the fantastic recommendation. I’m ready to immerse myself in the world Elizabeth Hunter has created and to uncover the secrets of Giovanni and Beatrice. Here’s to another exciting reading journey!

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Book Review

By Blogger:
Dee Szuba

As I reflect on "Hidden Fire" by Elizabeth Hunter, I'm not entirely sure how I feel about this book. The narrative starts on a slower note, and I found myself waiting for the action to pick up. The more thrilling elements of the story only really come into play towards the middle and end, leaving the beginning feeling a bit drawn out. This pacing issue made it a bit of a challenge to stay engaged initially.

One aspect of the book that particularly frustrated me is the dynamic between Beatrice and Giovanni. Beatrice, who is supposed to be intelligent and smart, often makes decisions that seem incredibly foolish. Her actions throughout the book left me feeling annoyed and exasperated. Despite her supposed intelligence, she repeatedly demonstrates a lack of common sense, especially when it comes to her relationship with Giovanni.

Beatrice's behavior is particularly grating when it involves Giovanni. Without giving away any spoilers (I'll save those for the next part of this blog), I have to say that I hope she matures in the next book. Her immaturity and seemingly poor decision-making skills make her a challenging character to root for. While she might have a lot of book smarts, her lack of street smarts is glaringly evident and detracts from her overall character.

In summary, while "Hidden Fire" has its moments of excitement and intrigue, the slow start and the frustrating dynamic between Beatrice and Giovanni made it a mixed experience for me. I'm hoping that future installments will see some character growth for Beatrice, as she certainly has potential but needs to grow out of her immature and often irritating behavior.

Book Spoilers

Disclaimer: This section might contain Spoilers about the book because, as we read the books we try to provide readers with information that might catch them off guard  and/or trigger them to in one way or another. This is the main reason for this blog was created.

"Hidden Fire" by Elizabeth Hunter is mostly a safe book in terms of triggering content. There aren't many events that might be overly distressing to readers. However, it's worth noting that there is some profanity throughout the book. Because of this, I would say it's probably not appropriate for young adults under the age of 16.

Spoiler Alert!

So, Giovanni is a vampire in love with Beatrice, and his struggle to control his urges around her is a key part of the story. What really irks me, though, is how Giovanni never outright tells Beatrice how he feels. He's clearly in love with her, yet he stubbornly refuses to say it. This lack of communication drives me crazy. When Beatrice gets captured by Giovanni's son and taken away, Giovanni still doesn't tell her how he feels when he rescues her. It's so frustrating! I want to shake him and yell, "Dude, tell her how you feel!"

Now, let's talk about Beatrice. She's being incredibly immature and, frankly, quite foolish. Even when she finally decides to trust Giovanni, she reacts poorly when Giovanni's son attacks her grandmother. She refuses to listen to Giovanni when he's trying to protect both her and her grandmother. It’s like, "Beatrice, shut up, listen, and follow the advice of the more experienced vampire in a supernatural situation. It's not that hard." Her lack of common sense is infuriating. I really hope she matures in the next books because I don't like her at all in this one. Her grandmother, who is just a side character, was way more enjoyable than Beatrice.

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