Glimmer of The Other

The Other Realm
Heather G Harris
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Book Synopsis

I can tell when you're lying. Every. Single. Time.

I'm Jinx. As a private investigator, being a walking, talking lie detector is a useful skill - but let's face it, it's not normal. You'd think it would make my job way too easy, but even with my weird skills, I still haven't been able to track down my parent's killers.

When I'm hired to find a missing university student, I hope to find her propped up at a bar - yet my gut tells me there's more to this case than a party girl gone wild. Firstly, she's a bookish soul who's as likely to go off the rails as Mother Theresa. Secondly, I'm not the only one on her trail; she's also being tracked by the implacable and oh-so-sexy Inspector Stone.

Stone and I team up, and he shoves me into a realm where magic is real - a place where there are vampires and werewolves, dragons and trolls. And where my skills are more than just detecting lies...

Oh, and my dog? He's a freaking hell hound who can manipulate the magical realms themselves.

I need to find the girl.

I need to discover who killed my parents.

And I need to find out more about the attractive but mysterious Zachary Stone...

The Hook

So, a detective story yes, I love my detective stories. And from what I can infer from the synopsis of the story it’s going to be a good one. From the mythical lands of Dragon’s, werewolves, vampires, and witches. All sorts of Fay that you can think it’s sounding like it is packed in this book. When I hear the synopsis of the story, it makes me think of a TV series called the gates that was a one season wonder. It was a TV series about all sorts of mystical creatures living in a gated community. This community had restricted community members because they were mythical creatures. I’m hoping this book is going to turn out to be a lot like that series.  

Either way I’m excited to start reading the series mostly because, this is another series my husband’s reading that he wants me to read with him but I’m excited simply because the dog in this book sounds awesome because it is a hell hound and hell hounds' rock.


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Book Review

By Blogger:
Dee Szuba
“I was exasperated, if I realized someone else was investigating Hesta’s disappearance I would’ve turned lady Sorrel down. But now, well I have 10,000 lbs. in my bank account and a mystery to solve, I’m the type to always read to the end of the book even if I’m not enjoying it. I’ve started so I’ll finish the same thing applies to my cases, I always see them through.”

I love this quote from the book. You’ll find it in chapter 3 of the book towards the middle of the book when Jinks is talking with the butler about Hesta. The fact that it refers to reading a book from end to end makes me like this character even more because that’s exactly what I do if I read a book, and if I don’t like it, I may stop reading it temporarily, but I’ll pick it right back up and finish reading it because it deserves to be read.


The same goes for this book, it might be slow in the beginning to get started but keep at it because the ending is amazing. And just because the beginning is a little slow it starts to pick up towards the middle of the book. I love Heather G Harris’s attention to detail, her descriptions help you put yourself in the shoes of the protagonist of the story, which is hard to do in some cases, and not all authors can do it. I’m excited to read the next book in the series as this book ended very interestingly, and I want to read what happens next.


I do hope though, that Jink's the protagonist of the story, does think more outside the box in the next story. In this one there were a couple of situations where she could have done things differently, she just had to think outside the using critical thinking. After all, critical thinking and thinking outside the box are some key skills the detectives require, at least to be a good one. Take Sherlock Holmes for instance, another fictional character yes, but well known for critically thinking and looking outside the box. Sherlock Holmes is known as one of the greatest detectives, because of these skills and set the stage for my hopes so to speak, of most detectives, at least in my opinion.

Either way, I’m still excited to read the next book in the series, especially with how this book ended. It makes me want to read it all the more. Like I said stick with this one till the end because you will not regret it, because I think Jinks is about to become a bad ass.

Book Spoilers

Disclaimer: This section might contain Spoilers about the book because, as we read the books we try to provide readers with information that might catch them off guard  and/or trigger them to in one way or another. This is the main reason for this blog was created.

One really good thing about Heather G Harris’s books, is  that there is not a lot of things to look out for. There is some foul  language to keep an eye out for, but children between the ages of 12 and 16  should be able to read this book because aside from the foul language there’s  not a lot of bad stuff in this book.  

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