Heather G Harris

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Summary Of Author Bio:

Heather is an urban fantasy writer who is also a mother and owns a Great Dane named Oscar. She is inspired by her dog for characters in her books and spends her spare time plotting her next story about vampires, dragons, and kick-ass heroines. Heather is open to feedback from her fans and encourages them to reach out with positive comments or constructive criticism, warning that negativity will be met with a sweet approach.

Blogs Of Authors Books

The Other Realm Universe (Reading Order) Series

This blog post is simply the reading order for the other universe by Heather G. Harris. This isn’t a book or part of the series it is simply the reading order that I am posting for readers who are interested in reading the series in the order it was meant to be read. For the reading order please refer to the book review section of this blog and it will link all the books in the order they were meant to be read.

Glimmer of Dragons

Every dog has its day. Mine has its own realm.  

I can tell when you’re lying. Every. Single. Time.

As a private investigator, being a walking talking lie  detector is a useful skill but let's face it, it’s not normal. You'd think it  would make my job way too easy, but even with my weird skills, I still  haven't been able to track down my parents’ killers.

I'm hired to retrieve a lost heirloom, but I have no idea  that the job is going to send me careening into a co-existing magical realm  where my dog is a hell hound, and where there are werewolves and dragons and  elves...

Some of whom will stop at nothing to hide their lies…

Glimmer of The Other

I can tell when you're lying. Every. Single. Time.

I'm Jinx. As a private investigator, being a walking, talking lie detector is a useful skill - but let's face it, it's not normal. You'd think it would make my job way too easy, but even with my weird skills, I still haven't been able to track down my parent's killers.

When I'm hired to find a missing university student, I hope to find her propped up at a bar - yet my gut tells me there's more to this case than a party girl gone wild. Firstly, she's a bookish soul who's as likely to go off the rails as Mother Theresa. Secondly, I'm not the only one on her trail; she's also being tracked by the implacable and oh-so-sexy Inspector Stone.

Stone and I team up, and he shoves me into a realm where magic is real - a place where there are vampires and werewolves, dragons and trolls. And where my skills are more than just detecting lies...

Oh, and my dog? He's a freaking hell hound who can manipulate the magical realms themselves.

I need to find the girl.

I need to discover who killed my parents.

And I need to find out more about the attractive but mysterious Zachary Stone...

Glimmer of Hope

I’m Jinx, a run-of-the-mill private investigator … except  I’m also a walking, talking lie detector. Oh, and I belong to magical realm  known as the Other.  

Murder isn’t usually my gig, but when I’m hired to  investigate the death of a dryad called Reggie, I agree to help out because I  know his grieving widow. It should be an easy case to crack, a mugging gone  wrong, but the murder scene photos show it was anything but. Reggie’s death  has all the hallmarks of my parents’ murders so I’ll stop at nothing to  finding his killers. It’s so important I’d even be willing to tag in Stone to  help – if I could find him…

Reggie was into some bad stuff involving a drug called  Boost. Take it, and you play Russian roulette because either you get high or  you die. As the drug claims another victim, I find myself with a new sidekick  who is determined to fight its evil influence and he just happens to be the  king of the dragon community.

Now I have two deaths to solve and one suave dragon king  along for the ride.

I need to find Reggie’s murderer.

I need to discover who killed my parents.

And I need to keep my distance from the charismatic dragon  Emory, who refuses to take no for an answer…

Glimmer of Christmas

When Amber DeLea darkens my door a few days before  Christmas, I'm expecting trouble. Instead, her orphan ward, Jade, has lost  her Christmas stocking, and Amber wants me to find it. Simple, right?  

Meeting little Jade strikes a chord in me, and suddenly I  find I'll do anything to make sure she still has a Christmas where she still  believes in Santa. I can't let her down.

I'm a truth-seeker on a mission, and if I can find the  stocking and fit in a date with the sexy dragon shifter Emory as well, then  even better...

A feel-good Christmas novella. Fluff abound. Best enjoyed  with a mince pie and hot cup of tea.


Glimmer of Death

I’m Jinx, a private investigator, a truth seeker and an  empath. Even with all that magic at my fingertips, I don’t know if I can save  my best friend.

And she’s not the only ill one. The magical creatures of  the Other Realm are falling sick – even the supposedly immortal ones. The  illness is striking two by two like a plague filled Noah’s Ark. The mermen  asked for help first, but it turns out they’re just the tip of the iceberg.

Gato and I need to find the source of the sickness, to  stop it spreading and to find the antidote. Emory’s adoptive parents are two  of the ones that have fallen sick and I can’t watch him lose his pseudo  parents when I’ve already lost mine. I’ll do anything to save the stricken  victims - even if it means working with my parents’ own killer…

I know this much, the illness isn’t natural, and whoever  is behind this has nothing but sinister intentions

I need to find the perpetrator.

I need to find the cure.

And I need to work out how I feel about Emory. I don’t  know which task will be harder…

Glimmer of Deception

I’m Jinx, a private investigator, a truth seeker and a wizard. You'd think all those skills would make it easy for me to get to the heart of a problem, but life’s never so simple. I thought I knew what had happened to my parents the night they died. I thought I finally knew the truth – but I've taken a tumble down a rabbit hole, everything is topsy turvy, and I’m not sure who I can trust.

Add to the mix some rude SOB who keeps trying to kill me. Is it the same guy who targeted my parents – or someone else entirely? I need to stay alive long enough to bring whoever it is to justice, but it looks like Emory and I have got a mole. Someone is betraying us in the worst possible way, and we need to find out who. I need to find my would-be assassin and stop him before he puts the nails in my coffin.

I need to locate the leak and plug it – permanently.

Oh, and I probably need to stop the rampaging ouroboros who is destroying parts of the city...

Challenge of the Court

I’m supposed to be meeting with Emory’s dragon Court and  amazing them with my suave wit and shining intellect. Instead, I’m on the  trail of a kidnapper. Someone has stolen away a centaur teenager, Alfie, from  a magical circus. The circus master hired me and Gato to find out who took  him – hopefully before Alfie swims with the fishes.

The problem is no one in the circus is who they say they  are. The Other Circus is a front for a magical underground, helping those  that want to leave their magical lives far behind. They’ve spent years  keeping their heads down and their mouths shut and it’s going to take more  than asking nicely to get this bunch to crack.

The clock is ticking, not just to find Alfie, but also for  me to impress Emory’s dragon Court. When I finally meet them, I’m going to  have to pass through a series of consort challenges before they recognize me  as Emory’s intended mate. Oh, and they won’t tell me what’s a challenge, and  what’s not. Nothing is what it seems, but luckily I come with an inbuilt lie  detector. I’m itching to prove to the standoffish dragon-shifters that I’m  more than a pretty face but finding Alfie has to come first.

I’m juggling things as best I can, but all it will take is  one wrong move to bring everything crashing down on my head …

Betrayal of the Court

Death. Theft. Marriage. It’s an average day in the Other  Realm.  

Someone keeps bludgeoning people in the Other Realm to  death. A couple of the murders were virtually in our back garden, so Emory  has asked me to try and find the culprit. I’d feel better if I didn’t have  Shirdal along with me, cracking jokes and on the verge of a deadly killing  spree of his own. Plus, there’s the small matter of the missing multi-million-pound  Eye of Ebrell that I still need to locate.

Having overcome the damned challenges, you’d think I’d be  welcomed by the dragons with open arms – but no … the court is still full of  intrigue and hostility. A few weeks ago, that marriage was an average  staining of the room we flew to Lucy’s rescue and made some questionable  decisions. Now it’s time for the consequences. The Elders are visiting  Emory’s court and they’re here to decide Emory’s fate – and by extension,  mine.

At this rate, I’m not sure we’ll survive long enough to  get our big white wedding. Damn it, I was really looking forward to the cake.

Written in British English. For the maximal reader  experience, it is recommended that you read The Other Wolf series before you  read Betrayal of the Court, though the events in the Other Wolf series are  explained if you prefer to dive right in.

Revival of the Court

Ding dong, the bells are ringing.

You are cordially invited to the Wedding of Jinx and  Emory.

Unfortunately, so are the Connection. A shocking arrest  throws the guests into disarray and threatens my happily ever after. I think  I can calm things down but they quickly go from bad to worse when I’m hauled  bodily away from my own wedding.

Betrayed, alone and furious – I have plenty of time to  plot my revenge. They’re not even going to see me coming. Whoever said  revenge is a dish best served cold didn’t know a damned thing. Revenge is hot  and fiery and I’m going to rain hell on the ones responsible for tearing me  away from Emory on our wedding day.

A daemon is stalking the Other Realm, and enough is  enough. It’s time to bring him down, to the depths of hell where he belongs. Hell,  hath no fury like a women scorned.

Start running daemon, I’m coming for you, and Emory is  holding my bag.

Burn through this fun, fast-paced, laugh-out-loud mix of  urban fantasy and mystery.

This is the seventh book in the Other Realm series. Don't  miss this internationally best-selling series if you like humor, heart, a  strong heroine and a slow burn fade-to-black romance.

Written in British English.

Don't miss all the books in the Other Realm!

Coven of the Witch

The black witches are gunning for me, but I’m ready to hit  back.  

Someone is trying to kill me. It’s been happening for a  while, so death threats and murder attempts are getting mundane. When a rogue  fire elemental throws a fireball at my head, I’m not surprised, but I’m not  thrilled either.

Luckily, I currently have a live-in-protector; Bastion,  the preeminent assassin of the magical world, has become my bodyguard and  tormentor. The former because the coven council have paid him a princely sum  to keep me alive, and the latter because he keeps strolling around in his  underwear. How is a witch supposed to think with all of those muscles flexing  about?

Unfortunately, thinking is rather necessary in my line of  work. I can’t afford to be distracted. I’m a rune and potion mistress, and  it’s going to take all of my skills to concoct an antidote to save the life  of one of my witches who got led astray by the black coven. She tried to  quit, but the black coven doesn’t believe in notice periods. Her life hangs  in the balance and I’ll do everything I can to save her life – even consult  with my sentient grimoire

I’m ready to give the finger to the black witches and save  her young life, when I get summoned to Edinburgh. My acolyte isn’t the only  one who is in the black coven’s crosshairs. The Crone – my Aunt Abigay – has  been targeted too.

I have to choose.

Do I save my young charge, or my aunt.

Don't miss this witchy series if you like humor, heart and  a strong heroine with a slow burn, enemies to lovers, fade-to-black romance

Rune of the Witch

When my most hated enemy, Bastion, comes to me for help, I  tell him to take a long walk off a short pier. I’m not helping the Griffin  assassin who killed my lover. But when The Crone visits my coven, she tells  me that I must help him find his daughter or I won’t achieve my full  potential.  

I want greatness like others want wealth. You can keep  your fame and fortune, I want to make sure my life matters. I reluctantly  agree to help locate the missing griffin. If greatness is on the cards, I’m  willing to play – no matter who deals my hand.

When a raven with broken wings lands on my balcony, I know  that a black witch has entered the game. Finding the griffin suddenly becomes  a lot more complicated. I’ll have to awaken my sentient grimoire to help me  find the answers I seek – and that always has a price.

Only time will tell whether it is one that I can afford to  pay.

Don't miss this witchy series if you like humor, heart,  and a strong heroine with a slow burn, enemies to lovers, and fade-to-black  romance.

Hex of the Witch

It’s not paranoia when they are really out to get you…

I’m Amber, potion and rune mistress and all round witch extraordinaire. I’ve spent half my life building my career and I finally feel like greatness is within my grasp. I’ve been working on a special potion, a potion that could change everything for witches and wizards everywhere.

Unfortunately some people are allergic to change and will stop at nothing to keep the status quo. A price has been put on my head – and my enemies are coming for me. Vampyrs, ogres and black witches are gunning for me, and they want me dead by any means necessary. In their infinite wisdom, the coven council assigns me my very own griffin bodyguard – and of course, the one they assign is none other than my most hated enemy, Bastion.

Bastion comes with his own baggage. He has a black witch’s curse upon him and it is slowly killing him. To save myself, I’m going to have to lift the curse and work with him – because another black witch is circling and she has me in her sights…I need to save my enemy, finish my potion, and hunt down the black witch – if she doesn’t kill me first.

Don't miss this witchy series if you like humor, heart and a strong heroine with a slow burn, enemies to lovers, fade-to-black romance.

Familiar of the Witch

When I’m arrested for killing a member of the Coven  Council, I’m pretty sure we’ll get things straightened out quickly – after  all, my victim was a black witch and she was trying to kill me too. Like most  things in my competitive life, I just got there first.  

Separated from my alluring bodyguard Bastion, I ordered  him not to rescue me by any means necessary. My griffin protector will  happily leave a trail of bodies behind him if it means securing my freedom,  but we have to play this smart because the Coven Council might not be pulling  the strings. If I'm right and the Black Coven is manipulating events,  including trying to orchestrate our doom, I must stop them no matter the  cost.

I need to clear my name and free myself, then I need to  face facts. My mum keeps telling me there’s a prophecy with my name on it…  I’m done burying my head in the sand. It’s time to visit the seers and see  what they have to say about my future.

Here’s hoping I stay alive long enough to have one.

Don't miss this witchy series if you like humor, heart and  a strong heroine with a slow burn, enemies to lovers, fade-to-black romance.

Destiny of The Witch

I made a potion to fix my mum’s broken mind but only time will tell if it succeeds – or if it will fail like all my previous attempts. As her condition worsens, I’m doing everything I can to save her, but when there’s an attack at the Other circus my priorities have to shift.

The circus is The Other realm’s equivalent to a witness-protection program and I’ve hidden two of my witches there. When one of them is nearly killed, I realize there is a mole in my coven. I need to find out who the traitor is before it’s too late.

Things are heating up. It's becoming clear that I need to confront the black Coven and its immoral leader – who just happens to be my estranged father. I’ve heard the prophecy about the coming conflict between us, but I’m more than happy to say ‘screw you’ to my supposed fate. No one tells me what to do; I’m the captain of my own ship and I dictate where she sails.

Yet whether I want it or not, my destiny is calling – and she says that death is on the cards. But whose?

Don't miss this witchy series if you like humor, heart and a strong heroine with a slow burn, enemies to lovers, fade-to-black romance.

Defender of the Pack

I have a wolf in my head. Her name is Esme, and she likes killing  things.  

I’m Lucy, alpha werewolf of a pack that hates me. I  inherited the pack when I mercy-killed the current alpha at his behest. I did  the right thing, but it left me head of a werewolf pack who resent that I  still live and breathe while their old alpha doesn't.

The problem is, I wasn’t born to The Other Realm so magic  is all new to me. I’ve got to get up to speed – fast. Luckily, I have super  soldier Greg Manners on side to help me, or this loneliness would be  crippling.

My new packmates are making it clear that I’m about as  welcome as a malodourous, flea-ridden mutt. Disrespect is one thing, bullying  is another. I’m trying to take their pranks as lighthearted fun, but my gut  tells me there’s no affection behind them. I’m going to have to find the  pranksters and put a stop to their shenanigans before they erode what little  shred of authority I have left. Because if the pack doesn’t respect me, I’ll  be replaced as alpha. It’s a position you can’t resign from. It’s do or die.

It's time to get my paws dirty…

Protection of The Pack

I have a wolf in my head. Her name is Esme, and she likes killing things.

I’m Lucy, a regular accountant turned alpha werewolf. A tryst with the wrong succubus ripped me from my ordinary life and sent me tumbling into a magical realm that I'd never even dreamed existed. I was just adjusting to pack life when I was asked to mercy-kill the current alpha. I'm not a total bitch so I did what he asked, but it's left me as alpha of a pack I don't know, full of werewolves who resent that I still live and breathe while their old alpha doesn't. If I’m to survive in this dog-eat-dog realm, I’m going to have to win my new pack over – and fast. I'm still trying to find my way in this violent new world when my third in command, Mark, is brutally murdered right under my damn nose.

To regain control of the pack, I need find the killer and bring him to vigilante justice. Luckily, my wolf, Esme, is more than happy to get her paws dirty. When the werewolf council show up to question me, things get a little dicey. Thank goodness I have the deadly Greg Manners, former dragon brethren and general ass-kicker, to back me up. Now I just need to unravel who'd want to kill Mark – and there’s a really long list of suspects because he was shadier than an oak tree. I'm hip-deep in suspects, and I need to move swiftly – before the killer strikes again...

Guardians of the Pack

I hate finding corpses.

For some reason, my enemies think  dead bodies work as a communication method. Call me old-fashioned, but I  prefer a letter. When I find a pulverized gargoyle on my lawn, I can’t help  but think things are about to get rocky. The gargoyles don’t expect me to  look into the death, but who can ignore murder on their doorstep? Ex-soldier  Greg Manners knows all about violence and he thinks that the ogres are  involved. Deadly or not, I’ll go toe-to-toe with their lethal king if I need  to. I’m determined to find justice – but just when I start investigating, one  of the pack’s children is snatched.

I’m in a race against time to find him when it turns out  that Bobby isn’t the first stolen child. I’ll have to navigate Other World  politics to work out what the purloined children have in common. Maybe if I  know why they’ve been taken, I’ll discover who took them. Because the clock  is ticking and I am all out of suspects.

Esme and I have to work together to find the kids, before  it’s too late…

Don't miss this werewolf shifter series if you like humor,  heart and a strong heroine with a slow burn, loyal-beta fade-to-black  romance.


Savior of the pack

My mum told me I could be anything I wanted to be – and it  turns out that I want to be an alpha werewolf. I’m finally starting to get the  hang of this alpha malarkey when destiny sticks her oar in once again.  

There’s a prophecy about me, and it’s time for me to find  out what it says. So, when my best friend Jess cooks up a hare-brained scheme  to get hold of the prophecy through fair means or foul, I’m along for the  ride before you can say ‘bail money’.

Getting my wolfy paws on the prophecy is only the  beginning, though, because I’m not the only one aware of its existence. Some  of my enemies will stop at nothing to prevent the prophecy from coming true.  I’ve a battle on my hands, so it’s lucky that I have super soldier Greg  Manners by my side.

I’m a pretty chilled-out alpha, but when unknown wolves  slink onto my land and attack my unicorn, all bets are off. No one attacks my  murderous little Ares and gets away with it.

Beckett Frost is coming my way with vengeance in mind; the  black witch is still free, ready to steal powers and destroy lives; I have  enemies piling up around me – so I do what any girl would do and call in my  family, my weirdly Other birth family. I need allies, and fast, because war  is coming to Home Counties Pack whether we’re ready or not

Luckily, Esme was born ready.

Bring it on.

The Vampire and the Case of the Baleful Banshee

I thought I was finally getting the hang of being a paranormal policewoman, but when one of the gemstones powering the barrier around the town is stolen, I’m as terrified as the average Joe. Of course, there’s nothing average about the Joes in this town. It’s chock full of mythical creatures, and some of them think the barrier is a waste of time.

Well, I’ve seen the cryptid monster beyond and I know we’re doomed if the magical palisade ever fails. Calling what would follow a massacre would be a gross understatement. The race is on. I need to find the gemstone before the weakened barrier fails forever and the fiend devours us all. No pressure then.

It’s a simple theft… how hard can it be to solve? Answer: Very hard. Especially when theft turns into murder.

There’s also the little outstanding matter of my date with the vampire leader, Connor, not to mention that my best friend seems to be falling apart at the seams. And if all of that isn’t enough to be cracking on with, I have a visitor due imminently. My mother.

I’d rather face the monster.

Dive into this fast-paced urban fantasy series if you love humor, heart, found family and a slow-burn romance.

The Vampire and the Case of the Cursed Canine

Spells, Hexes, and Curses.

Curses are falling on this town like rain in London. Just when I think I've found a link between the hexed victims, someone else shows up jinxed, too. It feels like the devil is playing darts with my paranormal town, and if the dart lands on you, you get whammed with a curse.

Frankly, I haven't got a clue how to find the perpetrator. Realistically, it probably isn't Beelzebub. My sole lead is pointing me at the traveling black market that has just landed in Portlock. That's all fine and dandy — if I can find out where it is. Weirdly, no one is willing to talk to the cops about the highly illegal market. I'm persona non grata, which I'm kind of used to, being a slightly-less-than-undead vampire.

On top of everything, my overbearing British mother has come to visit me in Alaska. Stuck in my shoebox house together, we might actually have to deal with some of our issues. Ugh, what fresh circle of hell is this? Thank goodness I have Connor MacKenzie, vampire leader, and sexy lumberjack, to run to when the going gets tough.

I'm juggling things — badly — when I discover my dog is cursed, too. The question is, what would I do to save my hound? The answer: anything and everything. The world can burn for all I care as long as I can save my pup.

Dive into this fast-paced urban fantasy series if you love mystery, humor found family, and a slow-burn romance.

The Vampire and the Case of her Dastardly Death

I awoke dead. It was a real bummer.

Being covered in blood and having fangs was the icing on an already terrible day. Things go from bad to worse when I get a summons to attend the vampire king’s court, where I get my marching orders. I’m given one lousy week to get my affairs in order and then I’m to present myself to the conclave to commence my hundred years of indentured servitude, where I get to learn Vampire 101.

The thing is, I have an eidetic memory and I’m a fast learner. It’s not going to take me a hundred years to grasp this stuff. And I have plans – mediocre ones, but they’re mine. One hundred years of servitude isn’t going to fit the bill.

I need to make my escape now, before they sink their teeth into me (again). The only problem is they’ve sent the vampire that turned me to keep a sharp eye on me, and he keeps looking at me like I’m a fine glass of merlot. Escape isn’t going to be easy.

My name may be Bunny, but they’re going to learn there’s nothing fluffy about me…

Dive into this fast-paced urban fantasy series if you love humor, heart, found family and slow-burn romance.

The Vampire and the Case of the Wayward Werewolf

Someone paid the vampire king’s creepy son to turn me in to one of the bitey undead. I’m not hanging about to find out who or why. The vampires want me to stay with them for one hundred years of indentured servitude but I have this thing about following orders so I ran from the streets of London to the wilds of Alaska.

I have an eidetic memory and a can-do attitude. I can-do anything to get away from the vampire king. So, when the Sheriff of Portlock, a hidden paranormal town, invites me to be his assistant, I say sure thing. It beats servitude hands down.

At First things seem ideal in Portlock, I make a new friend and even get asked out on a date. But the truth is, there are secrets a plenty. The paranormal council are at each other’s throats, figuratively of course. But then someone rips out a werewolf’s throat, literally this time.

I need to work with the Sheriff to find the killer before he strikes again. We just need to winnow through werewolf pack issues, council politics, and more suspects than you can shake a stake at. Simple.

Portlock is a melting pot of witches, necromancers, vampires, and shifters, but things are starting to boil over. I hope I don’t get burnt.

Dive into this fast-paced urban fantasy series if you love humor, heart, found family and a slow-burn romance.

The Vampire and the Case of the Secretive Siren

Ok, so not much sex is going on. The closest I’ve gotten  to some action is a date with Stan which ended in disaster. But with all the  eye-candy walking around this small town, including the sexy vampire leader,  Connor, I’m definitely re-thinking my ‘no dating’ rule. I don’t get the  chance to do much about it though because some ruffians think it’s funny to  break into the Grimes’ moonshine shop.  

It doesn’t take too long to identify the shifters  responsible, but it opens up a whole can of worms. Inebriated worms, like the  ones you find in tequila. The kids weren’t just drunk, they were high. High  on a new kind of drug that’s washing into Portlock. Literally. We found bags  of the stuff floating in the harbor and it quickly became clear that this  drug is anything but recreational. It can make you high, or it can shut down  your organs quicker than you can say ‘shotgun funeral’.

We need to find the dealers and shut them down, before any  more of our town gets hoodwinked by this powerful stuff.

Oh, and there’s a small problem with the barrier. The  barrier that keeps us all safe from the cryptid monster that lurks beyond its  confines. That barrier. Rips have been appearing in it, and if it falls,  we’re all doomed.

An average day in Portlock then.

Dive into this fast-paced urban fantasy series if you love  mystery, humor, found family and slow-burn romance.

Don't miss the other Portlock Paranormal adventures!

The Vampire and the Case of her Dastardly Death

The Vampire and the Case of the Wayward Werewolf

The Vampire and the Case of the Secretive Siren

The Vampire and the Case of the Baleful Banshee