Pathfinders Way

The Broken Lands
T.A. White
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Book Synopsis

The Trateri are about to learn a vital lesson of the Broken Lands. Deep in the remote expanse where anything can happen, it pays to be on a pathfinder’s good side.

Nobody ventures beyond their village walls. Nobody sane that is. Monstrous creatures and deadly mysteries wait out there. Lucky for the people she serves, Shea’s not exactly sane. As a pathfinder, it’s her job to face what others fear and protect her charges from the dangers that a wait in the Broken Lands. It’s not an easy job, but she’s the best at what she does.

When the people she serves betray her, Shea must rely on her wits and skill to survive the Trateri, a barbarian horde sweeping in to conquer the Lowlands, and their Warlord, a man as dangerous as he is compelling. Her actions and the decisions she makes might mean the difference between life or death. Danger looms on the horizon and a partnership with the Warlord may be the only thing preventing the destruction of everything she holds dear.

The Hook

T.A. White had a stroke of genius when she wrote this book  packed full of intrigue, action, adventure, romance, and a cunning but  brilliant heroine name Shea, a pathfinder—trained to navigate the treacherous  world full of deadly beasts, and a mysterious mist that can steal an entire  village, join Shea as she escapes time and again the perils of the broken  lands.  

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Book Review

By Blogger:
Dee Szuba

Shea O’Halloran, a Pathfinder of the highlands, gets roped into a mission where she has to rescue 2 of her villagers that she is assigned to guide and advise on the perils of the broken lands. Upon arriving at the village of Edgecombe, she discovers that she not only needs to rescue her men, but2 Dark and mysterious strangers who have also been captured along with her men. Upon rescuing the group, Shea catches the eye of the Warlord Fallon, a man just as deadly and ruthless as the beasts Shea protects her charges from. Will Shea be able to fend off the advances of the interested Warlord while continuing to guide her charges safely through the broken lands, or will she lose her heart ,soul, and body to a man who gives no quarter to those he intends to conquer? Find out more in this Fun filled thrilling novel, the first in a series of 5, as we follow the path of the Shea O`Halloran, Pathfinder of the broken lands.


I love this book; it is a hidden diamond. Packed full of Adventure, Intrigue, Deadly peril, Romance, and Action (to name a few).This book series is one of my favorites; the broken lands series is a set of books that builds on the previous books starting with “The Pathfinders Way” and ending with “Storms whisper, the newest book in the Broken land’s series. T.A. White’s usage of descriptive words and plot twists sets the stage for the series in “The Pathfinders Way.” As the story develops, so do several characters that pop up throughout the story, making the book hard to put down once you start to read it.

Book Spoilers

Disclaimer: This section might contain Spoilers about the book because, as we read the books we try to provide readers with information that might catch them off guard  and/or trigger them to in one way or another. This is the main reason for this blog was created.

One of the things that I love about T.A. White’s books is that there isn’t a lot of things that will catch you off guard. The only thing to watch out for is adult language and some adult contact when She and Fallon Couple. White gets very detailed in her descriptions and some content might not be appropriate for younger audiences.

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