A Fire In The Flesh

Flesh and Fire
Jennifer L. Armentrout
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Book Synopsis

From #1 New York Times bestselling author Jennifer L. Armentrout comes book three in her beloved Flesh and Fire series…

The only thing that can save the realms now is the one thing more powerful than the Fates. After a startling betrayal ends with both Sera and the dangerously seductive ruler of the Shadowlands she has fallen madly in love with being held captive by the false King of the Gods, there is only one thing that can free Nyktos and prevent the forces of the Shadowlands from invading Dalos and igniting a War of Primals. Convincing Kolis won’t be easy, though – not even with a lifetime of training. While his most favored Revenant is insistent that she is nothing more than a lie, Kolis’s erratic nature and twisted sense of honor leave her shaken to the core, and nothing could’ve prepared her for the cruelty of his Court or the shocking truths revealed. The revelations not only upend what she has understood about her duty and the very creation of the realms but also draw into question exactly what the true threat is. However, surviving Kolis is only one part of the battle. The Ascension is upon her, and Sera is out of time. But Nyktos will do anything to keep Sera alive and give her the life she deserves. He’ll even risk the utter destruction of the realms, and that’s exactly what will happen if he doesn’t Ascend as the Primal of Life. Yet despite his desperate determination, their destinies may be out of their hands. But there is that foreseen unexpected thread―the unpredictable, unknown, and unwritten. The only thing more powerful than the Fates…

The Hook

I don’t know why I am not surprised, but Serafina sacrifices herself for the good of her new people and the man she has grown to love. But now she is in the hands of the cold-hearted Kolis, who murdered his own brother and his brother wife, the man who tortured Nyktos his own nephew. Now he has Sera in his claws and a war of Primals is about to begin.

What I am hoping to read in this book:

Sera as yet to ascend but in the last book it appears that she was nearing her ascension and ultimately her death. I truly believe that it’s gonna Kolis who ultimately saves Sera because of his love for Sotoria. I hope to see Sera Ascend in this book and ultimately become the Primal of Life and gets rid of Kolis and back with Nyktos where she belongs. But will she be the same person when she finds him again.

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Book Review

By Blogger:
Dee Szuba

Ok let’s take another step back here…

JLA What where you thinking, I get that you are trying to show the massive similarities between Poppy and Serafina, but really did you have to split the power couple up again? At least with Blood and Ash we had Casteel’s perspective on his captivity, but seriously nothing from Nyktos ‘s perspective. I mean if you’re gonna recycle material at least stay consistent. The only facetime that Nyktos had was when He and Sera were dream-walking. That’s not enough interaction between the two main characters of the book. The least you could have done is to have 65% of the book with the power couple together and the remaining 30% where they are in captivity. Then the cliffhanger could have been them breaking out of captivity and Sera Finishing her ascension with Nyktos.

That would have made the book better, and then we could be excited for this next book, now I am just wondering if this is going to be another filler book like the last 2. Jennifer I am really hopingyou had a reason for doing this book this way because it’s not my favorites of both series. In fact, I think it’s my least favorite of all the books that I’ve read.  I always try to find something Ilike about a book that I’m reading, but with this book I have a very difficult time finding anything I like about it. If I had to choose something about this book that I liked, I’d have to say I liked seeing Sarah’s strength and power as she uses the embers both intentionally and not intentionally. The other thing about this book that I kind of liked as it does make you feel really bad for Kolis. All in all, I think the thing I liked most about this book was the ending when Serafina and Nyktos finally got back together. However, it’s still a little off-putting because now I’m not so keen about reading this next book coming out becausethere’s no cliffhanger on this book which is what I’ve come to expect with JL A’s books. Here is hoping the next book will be all the more interesting.

Book Spoilers

Disclaimer: This section might contain Spoilers about the book because, as we read the books we try to provide readers with information that might catch them off guard  and/or trigger them to in one way or another. This is the main reason for this blog was created.

In this book we do have a few spoilers that I need to give  because this book had a lot of abuse, torture, and indications of rape and  pain. Please be aware that this book isn’t appropriate for select audiences.  

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