A Shadow in the Ember

Flesh and Fire
Jennifer L. Armentrout
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Book Synopsis

Born shrouded in the veil of the Primal's...

A Maiden as the Fates promised, Seraphena Mierel’s future has never been hers. Chosen before birth to uphold the desperate deal her ancestor struck to save his people, Sera must leave behind her life and offer herself to the Primal of Death as his Consort. However, Sera’s real destiny is the most closely guarded secret in all of Lasania—she’s not the well protected Maiden but an assassin with one mission—one target. Make the Primal of Death fall in love, become his weakness, and then… end him. If she fails, she dooms her kingdom to a slow demise at the hands of the Rot. Sera has always known what she is. Chosen. Consort. Assassin. Weapon. A specter never fully formed yet drenched in blood. A monster. Until him. Until the Primal of Death’s unexpected words and deeds chase away the darkness gathering inside her. And his seductive touch ignites a passion she’s never allowed herself to feel and cannot feel for him. But Sera has never had a choice. Either way, her life is forfeit—it always has been, as she has been forever touched by Life and Death.

The Hook

Another Maiden, The Original Maiden...

So, from the inferences from the From Blood and Ash book from the blood and ash series, (which I unfortunately read all of the book before reading this one) we can assume the Sera is the original maiden that was stricken from the records. But for her to be an assassin on top of that is just awesome. I mean what it with the guys in this world liking women who stab them. But lets get to the goodies of this blog.

What I am Hoping to See in This Book

I am really hoping to see Sera’s awesome power as an assassin, and how she handles her god that she is tasked with killing. I anticipate that she will instead fall in love with her target not be able to follow through with killing him because they are heart mates. Now this might be asking too much in one book but Spoiler Alert... I am really hoping to see Sera really grow into her power especially her creating the wolfen. But that might not be till much later in the books.

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Book Review

By Blogger:
Dee Szuba

Ok, so not what I was expecting but good none the less. I  can see why this book was rated a 4.5. The book had a lot of good things  about it and a few not so good things. Like for example the book starts off a  little slow.  I feel there wasn’t a lot  in the beginning of the book that caught your attention, other than one or 2  mini battles but once Sera and Ash come together their chemistry is apparent.  

I also didn’t like how Sera and Poppy are so alike in  regard to how they were brought up, or the similarities between their personalities.  I felt like I was re-reading From Blood and Ash again, at least for the very beginning  of the book. But after thinking about it a little more, I realized this might  have been intentional for the development of the stories.

However, there were several things that I did like about this  book. The interplay between Sera and Ash is really funny, and I like how the  two try so hard to fight their attraction for each other. I also like how we  learn more about all of the gods and Primals in this book, and I hope that continues  throughout the rest of the books. This book really filled in some of the  blanks that was left from reading all of the Blood and ash book first which I  highly recommend not doing, I would probably start with this book because the  chronological order helps so much with explaining the backstory of why things  happened the way they did in the Blood and Ash books. Needless to say, I am  now excited to read the other books in this prequal series.


Book Spoilers

Disclaimer: This section might contain Spoilers about the book because, as we read the books we try to provide readers with information that might catch them off guard  and/or trigger them to in one way or another. This is the main reason for this blog was created.

The good news is with this book there are only a few things to be aware of that might catch the reader by surprise or be a trigger. I couldn't contain my excitement as I delved into the gripping world of "A Shadow in the Ember" by Jennifer L. Armentrout. However, I must warn you that this book is not for the faint of heart, as it contains adult language and content that may not be suitable for younger readers. Additionally, there are scenes in the book that hint at themes of abuse and torture, adding an intense and dark layer to the already gripping plot

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