Savior of the pack

The Other Wolf Series
Heather G Harris
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Book Synopsis

My mum told me I could be anything I wanted to be – and it  turns out that I want to be an alpha werewolf. I’m finally starting to get the  hang of this alpha malarkey when destiny sticks her oar in once again.  

There’s a prophecy about me, and it’s time for me to find  out what it says. So, when my best friend Jess cooks up a hare-brained scheme  to get hold of the prophecy through fair means or foul, I’m along for the  ride before you can say ‘bail money’.

Getting my wolfy paws on the prophecy is only the  beginning, though, because I’m not the only one aware of its existence. Some  of my enemies will stop at nothing to prevent the prophecy from coming true.  I’ve a battle on my hands, so it’s lucky that I have super soldier Greg  Manners by my side.

I’m a pretty chilled-out alpha, but when unknown wolves  slink onto my land and attack my unicorn, all bets are off. No one attacks my  murderous little Ares and gets away with it.

Beckett Frost is coming my way with vengeance in mind; the  black witch is still free, ready to steal powers and destroy lives; I have  enemies piling up around me – so I do what any girl would do and call in my  family, my weirdly Other birth family. I need allies, and fast, because war  is coming to Home Counties Pack whether we’re ready or not

Luckily, Esme was born ready.

Bring it on.

The Hook

I  absolutely adore Lucy and her wolf companion, Esme. Their bond is truly special, and I can't get enough of their adventures together. In the previous book, we learned that Lucy has a supernatural family she was separated from as a child due to enemies seeking to harm her. This revelation has only made me more invested in her story and her quest to uncover the truth about her origins.  

I'm on the edge of my seat to read the next installment and learn more about the prophecy surrounding Lucy. The prospect of her discovering her true destiny has me captivated. And let's not forget her badass best friend, Jinx, who is hands down cooler than Sherlock Holmes himself. I can't wait to see more of their dynamic duo in action.

My hopes for this book are sky-high. I'm desperately hoping that Lucy finally learns the details of the prophecy and what it means for her future. And now that she's dating Manners, I'm crossing my fingers for some romantic developments between them. But above all, I'm eager to see more of Jinx's detective skills and her unwavering support for Lucy. This duo is truly unstoppable, and I can't wait to see what adventures await them.

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Book Review

By Blogger:
Dee Szuba

When I first picked up Heather G Harris's books, I have to  admit, I was initially hesitant. They started off slow, which made it a bit challenging for me to fully immerse myself in the story right from the  beginning. However, once I waded through those early books, I found myself completely hooked. I'm so glad I decided to hang in there because, honestly it has been one of the most rewarding reading experiences I've had. "Savior of the Pack" is yet another testament to Harris's exceptional storytelling abilities she truly knocked this one out of the park.  

From the first chapter of "Savior of the Pack," I found myself on the edge of my seat. The plot is incredibly engaging, filled with so many twists and turns that I felt like I was riding an emotional roller coaster in a theme park. Every time I put the book down, I  couldn't wait to pick it right back up. Harris has a knack for weaving intricate storylines and developing characters that you can't help but become emotionally invested in. The suspense and drama kept my heart racing the entire time, and I was constantly guessing what would happen next.

Although "Savior of the Pack" is a phenomenal  read, I must mention that it's essential to read the previous books in the  series to fully grasp the intricate world Harris has built. The series as a  whole might have a slow start, but I assure you, sticking with it is  absolutely worth it. Each book sets the stage for the next, culminating in this incredible installment. By the time you reach "Savior of the Pack," you'll be completely absorbed in the narrative, eagerly turning pages to see where the story leads. Heather G Harris has crafted a compelling series that, despite its gradual beginning, delivers an unforgettable adventure full of excitement and emotional depth.

Book Spoilers

Disclaimer: This section might contain Spoilers about the book because, as we read the books we try to provide readers with information that might catch them off guard  and/or trigger them to in one way or another. This is the main reason for this blog was created.

I recently delved into the fascinating world of "Savior of the Pack" by Heather G Harris, and I have to say, it was  an exhilarating experience. However, I feel it's important to mention that the book does contain some profanity. Whether you choose to read it or listen to the audiobook, be prepared for some strong language. Interestingly, I discovered that if you listen to the audiobook version on YouTube, it's toned down to a PG rating, making it more suitable for young adults. This makes it a great option for younger readers who might still want to enjoy the captivating story without the mature content.

Despite the language in the standard versions,  "Savior of the Pack" remained a riveting read for me. Harris's storytelling kept me completely engrossed, and I was eagerly anticipating each twist and turn. Even with the mature language, the book's plot and character development shine through, guaranteeing an engaging experience regardless of the format you choose. If you're looking for a more  family-friendly version, though, the YouTube audiobook is definitely worth  considering.

Now, on to the more emotional aspects of the story. Spoiler  Alert! One of the most roller-coaster moments for me was when I thought Ares, my beloved character with his majestic unicorn form, was lost forever. My heart absolutely sank at the thought of him being dead. The devastation hit me hard because Ares rocks in every sense of the word. But then, when the revelation came that he was actually in stasis and not lost for good, my spirit soared. That moment brought so much joy to my overall happiness with the book. The relief and excitement I felt truly underscored how incredible this story is. Heather G Harris has crafted a narrative that pulls you in emotionally, and it's these moments that make "Savior of the Pack" a standout read.

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