Protection of The Pack

The Other Wolf
Heather G Harris
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Book Synopsis

I have a wolf in my head. Her name is Esme, and she likes killing things.

I’m Lucy, a regular accountant turned alpha werewolf. A tryst with the wrong succubus ripped me from my ordinary life and sent me tumbling into a magical realm that I'd never even dreamed existed. I was just adjusting to pack life when I was asked to mercy-kill the current alpha. I'm not a total bitch so I did what he asked, but it's left me as alpha of a pack I don't know, full of werewolves who resent that I still live and breathe while their old alpha doesn't. If I’m to survive in this dog-eat-dog realm, I’m going to have to win my new pack over – and fast. I'm still trying to find my way in this violent new world when my third in command, Mark, is brutally murdered right under my damn nose.

To regain control of the pack, I need find the killer and bring him to vigilante justice. Luckily, my wolf, Esme, is more than happy to get her paws dirty. When the werewolf council show up to question me, things get a little dicey. Thank goodness I have the deadly Greg Manners, former dragon brethren and general ass-kicker, to back me up. Now I just need to unravel who'd want to kill Mark – and there’s a really long list of suspects because he was shadier than an oak tree. I'm hip-deep in suspects, and I need to move swiftly – before the killer strikes again...

The Hook

To fully appreciate and follow the "Protection of the Pack" series by Heather G. Harris without spoiling the storyline, it is essential to read the "Glimmer" series first  followed by the Defender of the Pack stand alone book as a bridge to this book. This order ensures a cohesive and immersive reading experience, allowing readers to understand the intricate plot developments and character arcs.

As a spin-off series from Harris's acclaimed "The Other Realm" series, "Protection of the Pack" promises to be an exciting and captivating read, especially for someone like me who adores werewolves and wolves. The prospect of delving into a world revolving around these fascinating creatures fills me with anticipation and excitement.

My Hopes For This Book:

One of my primary hopes for this book is to witness the protagonist, Lucy, deliver a well-deserved comeuppance to the despicable character who mercilessly drained the life from her beloved James, the succubus. I envision Lucy exacting revenge with the ferocity of a vengeful warrior, metaphorically donning stiletto heels and digging them into the cold heart of her adversary, allowing karma to take its course.

Furthermore, I harbor high expectations for this series to become one of my favorites, not only due to its werewolf-centric theme but also because of the potential for a budding romantic relationship between Lucy and Greg Manners Their union would create an intriguing dynamic, combining their respective strengths and abilities into an unstoppable force, making for an enthralling narrative.

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Book Review

By Blogger:
Dee Szuba

I absolutely adore Lucy's character in "Protection of the Pack." Her queen bee attitude towards life is refreshing and empowering. She carries herself with such confidence and sass, yet in a way that feels genuine and endearing. Lucy's unapologetic nature is something I aspire to embrace more in my own life.  

While I thoroughly enjoyed the book, I must admit that the lack of action left me craving a bit more excitement. As someone who typically gravitates towards fast-paced, action-packed stories, this novel felt a tad slower than my usual preferences. However, it's a testament to the author's writing that I still found myself invested in the characters and their journeys despite the more subdued pace

However, I couldn't help but notice that newcomers to Harris's universe might find themselves feeling a bit lost at times.  "Protector of the Pack" builds upon the foundation laid by the previous series, referencing events, characters, and lore that would likely be unfamiliar to those who haven't read "The Other Realm" books.

While the author does provide some context and backstory, there were moments when I found myself grateful for my prior knowledge of the world. Certain plot points and character dynamics held deeper meaning and significance for me, thanks to my familiarity with the overarching narrative.

For readers diving into "Protector of the Pack" without having experienced "The Other Realm" series, I can imagine it might feel like stepping into a conversation midway – intriguing and engaging, but with the occasional sense of missing out on crucial details and nuances.

As someone who had the privilege of following the journey from the beginning, I felt a sense of connection and understanding that enriched my reading experience. The references to past events and characters evoked a nostalgic fondness, making the spinoff series feel like a natural progression rather than a disjointed offshoot.

Book Spoilers

Disclaimer: This section might contain Spoilers about the book because, as we read the books we try to provide readers with information that might catch them off guard  and/or trigger them to in one way or another. This is the main reason for this blog was created.

Here are a few paragraphs in the first-person perspective, discussing how Heather G. Harris's book "Protector of the Pack" is suitable for younger audiences and could be classified as a young adult novel due to its relatively tame content:

One aspect of "Protector of the Pack" that stood out to me was its overall lack of concerning factors that would make it inappropriate for younger readers. As an avid consumer of fantasy and supernatural fiction, I've encountered many books in this genre that push the boundaries with mature themes, explicit content, or gratuitous violence.  However, Harris's novel manages to strike a delicate balance, delivering an  engaging story without crossing any major lines.

Throughout the narrative, I didn't encounter any scenes or  descriptions that would cause significant discomfort or raise red flags for parents or guardians. The romantic elements, while present, remained fairly  tame and age-appropriate, steering clear of overly explicit or graphic content.

Similarly, the action sequences and supernatural elements, while thrilling, avoided excessive gore or gratuitous violence. Harris  demonstrates a skilled hand in crafting suspenseful and intense moments  without relying on shock value or unnecessarily graphic depictions.

Overall, "Protector of the Pack" maintains a relatively PG-13 rating, making it a fantastic option for young adult readers who are looking to explore the realms of fantasy and the supernatural. The book's clean content and lack of concerning factors make it a safe choice for parents or educators who want to introduce their young readers to this genre without worrying about exposing them to inappropriate material.

In an age where many books in the fantasy and supernatural genres push the boundaries of mature content, it's refreshing to find a novel like "Protector of the Pack" that manages to captivate and entertain without compromising its suitability for younger audiences.

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