Mel Todd

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Mel Todd is a prolific author with over 44 titles, including the Kaylid Chronicles, Blood War series, and Twisted Luck series. She owns Bad Ash Publishing, a company dedicated to producing captivating stories and supporting talented authors. With over a million words already published, she plans to write another million in the next two years. Her books, some co-authored, are available on Amazon and other retailers. You can follow her on Facebook or sign up for her newsletter and blog on her website, Bad Ash Publishing.

Blogs Of Authors Books

My Luck

I'm not a mage, but that won't stop me.

Cori Catastrophe. They call me that sometimes, and I hate to admit it, but it isn’t wrong. Things go weird around me. Electronics die, things break, and if something odd happens, I seem to find it. Finding another dead body just made me late to work.

Nothing will stop me from getting my degree, getting a job, and getting away from this tiny town – though leaving my best friend will hurt more than anything else. Reality seems determined to make reaching my goals impossible. The dead guy had my name in his pocket, my best friend emerged as an archmage, and my parents – well, let's say leaving them behind is one of the best parts of getting away.

So be it. Not being a mage means I'll have to struggle to succeed. No matter how weird things get, I'll make it. I lost my brother, and I'll probably lose my best friend to the world of magic. All I can do is depend on myself.

Educated luck

You’d think having power, having people treat you with respect, an extremely awesome inheritance waiting for me, and knowing you could do really awesome(awful) things would be cool. It isn’t. I’ve got strings you wouldn’t believe attached to the inheritance. Then it turns out other people want it, so instead of suing me, I mean, that would be logical, right? No, they are trying to kill me. And I don’t mean a single person, a freaking country! How insane is that? Well, screw them. I’m getting my degree and getting the inheritance. Okay, the house. I really want the house. But when Jo gets hurt and my familiar decides to start calling in favors, then things get even more twisted. With my luck, we might all end up insane or dead before this is over. But I refuse to give in. This is my life, and who knows, maybe I’ll survive.

Inherited Luck

I did it, I've graduated, and no more pressure. And I've got a house, me a house! Road trip time for Jo, Sable, and me up to Albany, New York. The house both is and isn't what I expected. Beautiful-yes. Locked rooms with mysterious stuff-yes. But it also seems alive, which isn't possible. This isn't a movie, and houses aren't alive. But before I get to finish exploring the house, the draft office has decided I need another trial run, and of course, Agent Steven Alixant is their errand boy. Before I get a chance to figure out anything— there are some odd things about that house—I'm dragged off to New York City to help catch a serial killer, which makes no sense. A bachelor's degree doesn't make me Sherlock Holmes. Things are going well, I guess. Is it a good thing to figure out clues about a serial killer's identity? But when I get a phone call that something has happened to Jo and Sable, things get dangerous. I'm going to have to make a bunch of decisions, and I hope I can save Jo and Sable, even if it ends up costing me my life. When your luck is as twisted as mine, nothing is ever straightforward.

Drafted Luck

Doctorate achieved! Now, it is time to pay off my mandatory service obligation to the government.

The same government that may or may not be trying to kill me occasionally. A job is a good thing, right?

I didn't expect it to be all rainbows and sprinkles, but neither did I envision being thrown in with a training group of misfits and potential criminals. How did I end up having to make decisions to let someone die or try to prevent it when keeping them alive is breaking the law?

You'd think with my skills, they'd put me in a quiet lab somewhere. No, I get stuck with the Department of State and working with Japan. Don't these people read? Japan wants to kill me even more than my government. But when Carelian decides the Dragon of China needs a friend, my personal problems get eclipsed by international incidents centered around me.

Being a trouble magnet is one thing; starting World War III is another. How in the world do I get myself into these situations? And why didn't they stick me somewhere where I wouldn't be the center of political drama?

Having twisted luck is one thing. How do I broker peace between three countries that all want to use me?

Faded Luck

For Cori Munroe, carrying a surrogate baby shouldn’t be any big deal. She’s got magic on her side, right?


Pregnancy is fritzing her magic, while she has to deal with a variety of work issues, including a huge medal ceremony involving the United States and China for saving D.C. and China’s reputation. Then the Council of Lords wants her to represent Earth’s mages. All while trying to deal with magical issues without her usual power levels.

Bombs, terrorist attacks, and work pressures are hard for anyone to deal with, let alone a pregnant woman. But when her family’s safety is threatened, Cori’s going to find a way to protect them…or die trying. With her twisted luck, anything can happen.

An urban fantasy about the things you do for family no matter what shape they wear, and magic that might change everything, or nothing.

Unbalanced Luck

Cori Munroe wants to enjoy her life after her Draft service has been completed. The kids are delightful, and her home life is good, but as always, trouble finds her. Rips between Earth and the realms are appearing, and she seems to be the only mage that can easily close them. When Esmere calls her to attend the council, something she thought she was well clear of, she finds herself forced to take up a position as Lord of Earth. With the council expecting her as the Herald of Magic to stop the rips, Earth freaking out, and preparing military responses to the rips, Cori finds herself caught in the middle between old friends in the structures of power and new friends in the realms. Can Cori find the answers to the Undoing and stop this before something unforgivable is done? Or will she and her family be caught in the middle of a war between Magic and Earth? How high will the cost get? Book seven in the Twisted Luck series is here now.

Balanced Luck

I'm Cori Munroe, and I'm the Herald of Magic, or so everyone keeps telling me.

Rips are happening across the world and I'm the only one that can close them all by myself. They have me hopping everywhere, and I'm running out of energy and running down my health. But if I don't do this, people are going to die.

So, I'm trying to fix this. We're researching Atlantis, Phoenix, other heralds of magic, and the Undoing. Somewhere, there has to be a clue that will get me the answers I need to solve this. Because if there isn't, there might be a war between Earth and the Realms.

If war happens, we all lose.

I'm trying, but there isn't enough of me to go around, and the problem is getting worse. Debts are being called in, and the government is wasting my time. If my family, friends, and fan groups aren't enough, I'll sacrifice myself.

After all, I'm the Herald of Magic, right?

Hired Luck

With my best friend going to college to learn how to use her magic, I'm job hunting in Atlanta. We're sharing an apartment, and I've never been happier. The last thing I needed was to be involved in a murder investigation. Now the police are sure I had something to do with it. News I don't. I've got a job, Jo's going to school. I am finally on track to have my own life. Working as an EMT is great, but something weird happened at work. Something I can't explain. What if I'm wrong and I am a mage? The last thing I want is to be a mage; it would mean I'd lose everything I've been working for. Even if I am a mage, I'd be a low-ranking one, a hedgemage, something that means I can keep my current life. But I can't get the dead girl out of my mind. Who was she, and why did she die? What good are my skills if all I do is keep finding dead people? With a serial killer out there, the police and FBI stepping in, I might lose more than the life I had planned. I might lose my life. Once again, my luck holds true, and I'm in the middle of something I don't know how to deal with. Get Hired Luck Book 2 in the Twisted Luck series now! Follow Cori on her journey; it won't go where you think it will.