Drafted Luck

Twisted Luck
Mel Todd
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Book Synopsis

Doctorate achieved! Now, it is time to pay off my mandatory service obligation to the government.

The same government that may or may not be trying to kill me occasionally. A job is a good thing, right?

I didn't expect it to be all rainbows and sprinkles, but neither did I envision being thrown in with a training group of misfits and potential criminals. How did I end up having to make decisions to let someone die or try to prevent it when keeping them alive is breaking the law?

You'd think with my skills, they'd put me in a quiet lab somewhere. No, I get stuck with the Department of State and working with Japan. Don't these people read? Japan wants to kill me even more than my government. But when Carelian decides the Dragon of China needs a friend, my personal problems get eclipsed by international incidents centered around me.

Being a trouble magnet is one thing; starting World War III is another. How in the world do I get myself into these situations? And why didn't they stick me somewhere where I wouldn't be the center of political drama?

Having twisted luck is one thing. How do I broker peace between three countries that all want to use me?

The Hook

If you're ready for another thrilling adventure with Cori, Jo, Sable, Carelian, and all of our favorite characters from the Twisted Luck series, then you won't want to miss Drafted Luck by Mel Todd. From what I can gather from the synopsis, it looks like Cori is about to dive headfirst into even more trouble. Not only did her government try to kill her during her orientation, but now they've partnered her with the Department of State to work with Japan—a country that also seems to want her dead. I'm going out on a limb here and saying that this book is going to be another wild ride where everyone's out to get Cori yet again.

And what’s the deal with this new group of misfits they've paired her with? Cori is supposed to be incredibly strong, acting as the ambassador between the human world and the world of familiars. It makes you wonder if the government is deliberately trying to sabotage relations with the familiars who give mages their extra power. These familiars are like demigods, and it seems like the government is biting off more than it can chew. Plus, with Cori's house being a sentient being, I can’t help but wonder how it will react to her being away. If Cori ends up working in Japan, she’ll probably have to be there for a while due to her government obligations. Let's just hope her house doesn't go on a killing spree against anyone who tries to tend to the grounds while she's gone!

And what about her mentorship with Endear and Alixius? How is Cori supposed to continue her mentorship with them if she’s stuck in Japan? Especially now that she might not be able to teleport freely due to her government contract. If she teleports out of her obligations, the government could kill her. It sounds like Cori has a lot on her plate in this book, and I’m really hoping her luck holds out. Let’s see if she manages to survive her tenure as a magister for the government without losing her life or her sanity. Buckle up, everyone—this is going to be one intense journey!

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Book Review

By Blogger:
Dee Szuba

Drafted Luck by Mel Todd has been an interesting read so far, but I can’t help but wonder how many more times someone is going to try to kill Cori. This seems like the second attempt on her life, and it’s starting to feel like every time she’s around, she’s dodging death! The story takes place a few months after Inherited Luck, where Cori inherited the house from the famous mage who wanted her to take over his property. Now, she’s got a target on her back, and I’m eager to see how she navigates these dangers.

One of the things I really enjoy about Mel Todd's books is that they don’t always follow the same timeline. She’s great at advancing the story by a few months or even a year, which keeps things fresh and avoids unnecessary filler. The plot doesn’t drag on with repetitive details, and the shifts in time allow us to see how Cori, Joe, and my favorite characters mature over time. I especially love how Sable and Joe’s love and compassion shine through when they invite Cori to join their marriage, letting her know she’ll always have a place with them. It adds a beautiful layer of support and family to the story, making it even more engaging.

As the girls grow in power, Careline's abilities also expand, which is pretty amazing to see. I do wish there was more of Endear and Alixis in this book—they only have a few moments, and I was hoping Cori would end up working under one of them since they’re her mentors. Instead, she’s drafted as a liaison between the United States, China, and Japan, working at the embassy, which doesn’t really suit her skill set. Despite that, the book was still a good read, and Mel Todd did a phenomenal job enhancing the characters and their backgrounds. I’m eager to dive into the next book and see where this journey takes Cori and her friends!

Book Spoilers

Disclaimer: This section might contain Spoilers about the book because, as we read the books we try to provide readers with information that might catch them off guard  and/or trigger them to in one way or another. This is the main reason for this blog was created.

In Drafted Luck by Mel Todd, there's an important warning I want to give to potential readers: at the very beginning of the book, there's a part where the instructor goes over all the crimes the class members have been accused of, even though they haven't been legally arrested yet. During this scene, one of the students makes a particularly disturbing comment about using date rape drugs and blames the women, saying they "were asking for it," and it wasn't his fault if they changed their minds. This kind of content can be very triggering for some individuals, so if this is something that could affect you, I’d recommend avoiding this part or perhaps skipping the book altogether for your well-being.

Spoiler Alert:

Despite the heavy start, I’m super excited about this book! It finally introduces a mythical dragon, Tia Tang, who serves as the Chinese familiar to the Emperor. I absolutely love dragons—they’re so fascinating, and I’m thrilled that this story includes one. Tia Tang is particularly compelling because, towards the end of the book, he rejects the Emperor and chooses one of his daughters—a nobody from among his hundreds of concubines but with a heart of gold—to become the Empress of China. Talk about a twist! Seeing a seemingly insignificant, enslaved daughter rise to such a powerful position was both surprising and satisfying.

Another aspect I loved was how Cori took the time to care for mage Bridget, who has Down syndrome, as well as others who were struggling to control their magic and were close to death. Cori saved them by using Tiamine to absorb their excess magic, which was a bold move that saved countless lives. This shows her strong moral compass—she always follows her sense of right and wrong, even when it puts her career or safety at risk. That’s probably why the series is called Twisted Luck—no matter how tight the spot she finds herself in, Cori always manages to navigate it with integrity. I can't wait to dive into the next book and see what new adventures await!

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