Balanced Luck

Twisted Luck
Mel Todd
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Book Synopsis

I'm Cori Munroe, and I'm the Herald of Magic, or so everyone keeps telling me.

Rips are happening across the world and I'm the only one that can close them all by myself. They have me hopping everywhere, and I'm running out of energy and running down my health. But if I don't do this, people are going to die.

So, I'm trying to fix this. We're researching Atlantis, Phoenix, other heralds of magic, and the Undoing. Somewhere, there has to be a clue that will get me the answers I need to solve this. Because if there isn't, there might be a war between Earth and the Realms.

If war happens, we all lose.

I'm trying, but there isn't enough of me to go around, and the problem is getting worse. Debts are being called in, and the government is wasting my time. If my family, friends, and fan groups aren't enough, I'll sacrifice myself.

After all, I'm the Herald of Magic, right?

The Hook

As I dive into Balanced Luck, the last installment of the Twisted Luck series by Mel Todd, I can’t help but feel a bit sad that the series is coming to an end. It’s been a roller coaster ride, full of ups and downs, twists and turns, all within this amazing world of magic and danger. Mel Todd has done such a fantastic job with character development and world-building, making it hard to let go. From what I gather from the synopsis, things are about to get even more intense, with the rips worsening and Cori once again having to bear the weight of fixing everything.

Cori’s research on Atlantis has me curious to see how she’s going to tackle these new challenges. I’m really hoping that either the Council leader or Esmear steps up to help her out because those two seem like they could provide the most assistance in dealing with the rips. And since this is the final book, I’m hoping Mel Todd pulls out all the stops. I’d especially love to see Joe front and center in this book. She’s been my favorite character throughout the series, and I relate to her the most, so I’m really crossing my fingers that she plays a major role in Cori’s final adventure.

I also can’t help but wonder what kind of favors Cori will have to call in as the Herald of Magic to close these rips for good. Will the cost be too high this time? Could it cost her life? I guess we’ll find out soon enough in the next exciting story of the Twisted Luck series, Balanced Luck. Let’s see how it all wraps up!

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Book Review

By Blogger:
Dee Szuba

As I close the final pages of Balanced Luck, I can't help but salute the end of an interesting and wondrous series. Mel Todd has truly outdone herself with the Twisted Luck series, creating an intricate world with realms that run parallel alongside Earth. Every chapter was rich with commentary and insight into the magical world, immersing us in its complexity. The characters were developed so deeply that you couldn’t help but love them, which made it all the more heartbreaking when some of the fan-favorite characters met their end in this final book.

One of the things I’ve always loved about this series is its unique take on magic. This book, in particular, highlights just how much of a sacrifice magic can be in Cori’s world, giving us a clear understanding of the weight it carries. Balanced Luck was tough on Cori, and while I was glad that Jo played a bigger role in this book, I still found myself wanting more of her. Jo’s personality and attitude have always been a highlight for me, and even though she had a bigger part this time, I still craved more of her throughout the story.

Now that the Twisted Luck series has come to an end, I have to give a huge bravo to Mel Todd for crafting such a fantastic journey. Though I’m sad to see it wrap up, I can appreciate the way the story concluded. Not everyone made it through, and there was real loss in those final chapters, but the ending still felt satisfying, with characters left to grieve yet continue on. Thank you, Mel Todd, for making us fall in love with your books. I’m excited to dive into your other series and see if they capture the same magic.

Book Spoilers

Disclaimer: This section might contain Spoilers about the book because, as we read the books we try to provide readers with information that might catch them off guard  and/or trigger them to in one way or another. This is the main reason for this blog was created.

Balanced Luck by Mel Todd is a relatively safe read in terms of content, with not many triggering events, which makes it fall into the PG-13 area. Unlike some of the previous books in the Twisted Luck series that touch on sensitive topics like child abuse, neglect, and rape, this installment is much lighter in that regard. For those who prefer a story without heavy, potentially upsetting themes, this book is a safer bet while still offering the action and magic that we've come to expect from the series.

Spoiler Alert:

Let’s be real for a moment—the true heroes of this book are the three leaders of Chaos, Spirit, and Order: Bob, Tursane, and Salafane. They really stood out to me in the final stretch. I get what Cori was trying to do when she chose to merge with all three realms in an effort to save everyone, but she should’ve known that the cost would be greater than she was ready for. It makes me wonder—if Cori had been at her full strength and with all her offerings, could she have saved everyone, including Bob, Tursane, and Salafane? Their sacrifice was so powerful, and that’s why I believe they’re the true heroes. They gave everything, not only to save Cori but also to protect their realms and their people.

My heart broke when Endear died. I was really rooting for her and Steven to have their happy ending, maybe even a wedding in the epilogue. I completely understand why Steven flipped out when she died—if I had that much power and lost the love of my life, I’d lose it, too. This book also left me feeling bad for Cori. She gave her all to close as many rips as possible, even though it was slowly killing her. The depth and character development in this book made it one of the best in the series, with so many twists that kept me guessing until the end.

I’m so glad Cori gets to keep Caerleon—aside from Jo, he’s definitely my second favorite character. And while Tursane was my third favorite, her death hit hard. All in all, Balanced Luck wraps up the series beautifully, and I can’t wait to dive into more of Mel Todd’s work. I hope you enjoy the book as much as I did, and feel free to share your thoughts in the discussion!

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