Hired Luck

twisted Luck
Mel Todd
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Book Synopsis

With my best friend going to college to learn how to use her magic, I'm job hunting in Atlanta. We're sharing an apartment, and I've never been happier. The last thing I needed was to be involved in a murder investigation. Now the police are sure I had something to do with it. News I don't. I've got a job, Jo's going to school. I am finally on track to have my own life. Working as an EMT is great, but something weird happened at work. Something I can't explain. What if I'm wrong and I am a mage? The last thing I want is to be a mage; it would mean I'd lose everything I've been working for. Even if I am a mage, I'd be a low-ranking one, a hedgemage, something that means I can keep my current life. But I can't get the dead girl out of my mind. Who was she, and why did she die? What good are my skills if all I do is keep finding dead people? With a serial killer out there, the police and FBI stepping in, I might lose more than the life I had planned. I might lose my life. Once again, my luck holds true, and I'm in the middle of something I don't know how to deal with. Get Hired Luck Book 2 in the Twisted Luck series now! Follow Cori on her journey; it won't go where you think it will.

The Hook

I’m so excited to dive into Hired Luck by Mel Todd! One of the things I love most about her writing is how she seamlessly blends real-life locations and historical facts with a magical twist, making the world feel incredibly immersive and almost like it could be part of our reality. It’s such a neat touch when she includes actual places, like how Joe and Cori are renting an apartment in Atlanta, Georgia. It makes me wish magic was real and that I could be living in that world right alongside them.

From what I gather from the synopsis and the details we got in My Luck, it looks like we're picking up about three to four months after the last book, with Joe and Cori now settled into their new place in Atlanta. I’m really eager to learn more about Cori’s brother, Stephen. I have this feeling that his story is far from over and that there’s a lot more to uncover about what happened to him. It’s one of those mysteries that I’m hoping will get some attention in this book because I think it could add a whole new layer to Cori’s journey.

And, of course, I can't wait to see more of my favorite character, Joe! I’m thrilled that she’s living with Cori now, which means we’ll get to see more of their dynamic. Joe’s energy and humor always bring a lightness to the story, and I’m so curious about what kind of school and training she’ll be going through now that she’s been rated as an archmage after her emergence. It’s going to be so interesting to see how their friendship evolves and the adventures they get into together. I have a feeling this book is going to be full of surprises and magical fun. Let’s dive in and see where this next chapter takes us!

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Book Review

By Blogger:
Dee Szuba

Mel Todd did not disappoint with Hired Luck, the second book in her Twisted Luck series. I absolutely loved this story and believe it's a hidden gem in the urban fantasy genre. Coming in at about a 10-hour read, this book boasts incredible world-building and character development that surpasses most of the books I've read recently. The unique way Mel Todd describes her world has quickly become one of my favorite aspects of the series. Each chapter opens with a detailed explanation of the world’s magic system, including its costs and nuances. This approach not only enriches the narrative but also immerses the reader in a way that feels both fresh and innovative.

One of the standout features of Hired Luck is how Mel Todd breaks down the world she is creating. Before every chapter, she gives us a glimpse into the types of magic that exist and the rules that govern them. This method of world-building is something I’ve rarely seen done so well. It adds layers of depth to the story, making the magic system feel tangible and integral to the plot. I find it fascinating how each type of magic has its own set of limitations and consequences, which makes the story feel more grounded and realistic despite its fantastical elements.

Even though there isn’t a singular villain that ties the series together, the central plot of Cori navigating a world she’s been thrust into adds a unique and compelling layer to the narrative. It’s refreshing to see a protagonist dealing with complex, real-world issues in a fantasy setting, and this gives the story a unique charm. I am eager to dive into the next book in the series, Educated Luck, to see where Cori’s journey takes us next. Mel Todd has crafted a world that feels alive and full of potential, and I can’t wait to explore it further.

Book Spoilers

Disclaimer: This section might contain Spoilers about the book because, as we read the books we try to provide readers with information that might catch them off guard  and/or trigger them to in one way or another. This is the main reason for this blog was created.

One of my favorite moments in Hired Luck is when Cori ends up getting familiar after emerging for the second time. I found it hilarious how she was bracing herself to face a big, scary monster, only for it to turn out to be a tiny, unimposing kitty cat. Cori’s reaction was a bit dramatic, thinking she was about to be attacked by a terrifying creature. If she had just paused to think logically, she might have realized the situation wasn’t quite so frightening. Admittedly, the scene was set in the dark, so her fear made some sense, but it was still funny to see her getting all worked up over what ended up being a little kitten.

I also loved that I was able to figure out some key plot points before they were revealed. I totally called it when I suspected Cori had emerged when she lost her twin, and I was right about her connection to the spiritual realm. Figuring that out ahead of time made the story even more satisfying for me. Joe still stands out as my favorite character in the series. I love her personality, and learning that she has dyslexia made me love her even more because, as someone who is also dyslexic, I could relate to her struggles and her journey of self-discovery. It’s great to see a character with dyslexia portrayed in such a positive light, trying to find her way to the perfect person she wants to be with. While I’ve already found my perfect match in my husband, I relate to Joe’s experiences more than I do to Cori’s.

Overall, I’m excited for the next book in the series and can’t wait to see where Mel Todd takes us next. Here’s to another great read ahead!

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