Unbalanced Luck

Twisted Luck
Mel Todd
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Book Synopsis

Cori Munroe wants to enjoy her life after her Draft service has been completed. The kids are delightful, and her home life is good, but as always, trouble finds her. Rips between Earth and the realms are appearing, and she seems to be the only mage that can easily close them. When Esmere calls her to attend the council, something she thought she was well clear of, she finds herself forced to take up a position as Lord of Earth. With the council expecting her as the Herald of Magic to stop the rips, Earth freaking out, and preparing military responses to the rips, Cori finds herself caught in the middle between old friends in the structures of power and new friends in the realms. Can Cori find the answers to the Undoing and stop this before something unforgivable is done? Or will she and her family be caught in the middle of a war between Magic and Earth? How high will the cost get? Book seven in the Twisted Luck series is here now.

The Hook

I'm super excited to dive into Unbalance Luck, the next book in Mel Todd’s Twisted Luck series! Cori gets to meet the full Council of the realms and, in true Cori fashion, somehow ends up being forced into becoming one of its lords. How does she always find herself in these situations? From what I can gather from the synopsis, this book is going to be interesting because, while Cori is done with her draft service, she's getting pulled right back into the magical world. I can already tell her hands are going to be full with the rips opening up across the earth—trouble seems to follow her no matter what.

One thing I’m really hoping for in this book is that Cori manages to climb her way to the top and maybe even take charge of the entire Council. Knowing her, she’ll probably rub someone the wrong way with her carefree attitude, but that’s exactly why I love her character! And holy cow, it looks like they’ve fast-forwarded to where the twins are about five years old now. I’m pretty sure Cori negotiated a five-year draft service in the previous books, so this jump in time totally makes sense.

I'm also hoping the twins turn out to be just as awesome as some of the other characters that Mel Todd has created. With Cori as their mother, they’re bound to have some incredible adventures of their own. Either way, I can’t wait to jump into this next book and see where the story takes Cori and her family next. Let’s get started—this is going to be a fun ride!

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Book Review

By Blogger:
Dee Szuba

I’m extremely happy that Mel Todd totally redeemed herself with Unbalance Luck after the previous book, Faded Luck. While Faded Luck had some action, it didn’t quite live up to the world-building and character development of the earlier books, probably because Cori was pregnant and unable to do a lot of the things she would usually do. There were still some exciting scenes early in her pregnancy, but as the book progressed, it lost some of that spark.

In Unbalance Luck, Mel Todd brought back the detailed world-building and action I love. I especially appreciated the focus on the twins, now older and starting to become more aware of their surroundings. And can we talk about how cute their dragons are? I want one! The book returned to the depth and complexity that had been missing in Faded Luck, and I loved how the introduction of Brick, the Phoenix leader of the Council, added layers to both the world and character dynamics. It was a great way to tie the story back to the intricate details that made the earlier books so engaging.

Because of my dyslexia, I use audiobooks while reading, and I’ve loved that the voiceover actress has remained consistent throughout the series. It makes it so much easier to follow the story when you’re familiar with the narrator’s voice. If you like to listen to audiobooks or prefer them over reading, I highly recommend this series because the voice actress does a fantastic job. She even manages to do distinct voices for different characters, which can be hit or miss for some, but I personally enjoy it.

Now I’m eager to dive into the next book, Balanced Luck. I’m curious to see how the Council will deal with Brick’s departure, especially with the rips still causing havoc. I’m ready for Cori’s next adventure and to see how she’ll navigate the chaos in true Twisted Luck style!

Book Spoilers

Disclaimer: This section might contain Spoilers about the book because, as we read the books we try to provide readers with information that might catch them off guard  and/or trigger them to in one way or another. This is the main reason for this blog was created.

Unbalance Luck by Mel Todd is a smooth and engaging read without any triggering events that might upset or offend readers. While earlier books in the Twisted Luck series touch on difficult topics such as rape, abuse, child neglect, and abandonment, this book steers clear of those themes. Though they are mentioned in the series for character and world-building purposes, they are never overly detailed or dwelled upon, allowing readers to focus more on the adventure and magic without being confronted with heavy emotional content.

Spoiler Alert:

One of my absolute favorite parts of this book is when Steven and Endear take Cori and Caerleon deep-sea fishing with Charles, and things take a wild turn as they have to close a rip while helping Steven and Charles battle a Kraken! Their teamwork during that scene was just incredible, and Caerleon was fantastic as always—he’s easily one of my favorite characters in the series. I really enjoyed how they managed to save the day together, balancing magic and action perfectly.

That said, I was a little disappointed that Jo didn’t have a bigger role in this book. She’s been one of my favorite characters from the beginning, and I was hoping for more of her presence. She’s mentioned here and there, but she wasn’t as central to the plot as I would have liked. Mel Todd, if you’re listening, please bring more Jo into future books! I can’t get enough of her character. All in all, Unbalance Luck was a solid read, and I’m eager to dive into the next one, Balanced Luck. Let’s see where Cori’s journey takes her next!

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