My Luck

Twisted Luck
Mel Todd
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Book Synopsis

I'm not a mage, but that won't stop me.

Cori Catastrophe. They call me that sometimes, and I hate to admit it, but it isn’t wrong. Things go weird around me. Electronics die, things break, and if something odd happens, I seem to find it. Finding another dead body just made me late to work.

Nothing will stop me from getting my degree, getting a job, and getting away from this tiny town – though leaving my best friend will hurt more than anything else. Reality seems determined to make reaching my goals impossible. The dead guy had my name in his pocket, my best friend emerged as an archmage, and my parents – well, let's say leaving them behind is one of the best parts of getting away.

So be it. Not being a mage means I'll have to struggle to succeed. No matter how weird things get, I'll make it. I lost my brother, and I'll probably lose my best friend to the world of magic. All I can do is depend on myself.

The Hook

From what I can infer from the synopsis of My Luck by Mel Todd, this chick has some serious issues. It sounds like everything is going wrong for her, and nothing seems to be going right. It’s like she’s caught in this endless loop of bad luck, where every step forward comes with two steps back. I can’t help but feel a bit sorry for her—she’s dealing with a lot, especially if she thinks she might lose her best friend through some magic. It’s clear that magic is going to play a significant role in this story, and I’m curious to see how that unfolds.

I really hope, for the sake of the book, that all these unfortunate events have a purpose. Maybe there’s a bigger reason behind all the chaos she’s facing, and I’m holding out hope that things will turn around for her eventually. I’m a sucker for books with magic and mystery, and the fact that there’s a dead body involved makes it even more intriguing. It looks like this story is shaping up to be a fantastic murder mystery with plenty of twists and turns to keep us guessing.

So, let’s dive in and see what happens in My Luck by Mel Todd. I’m ready to uncover the secrets, figure out how magic is tied into all this, and find out whether this poor girl’s luck is about to change. Here’s hoping for some answers, a bit of redemption, and maybe even a surprise or two along the way.

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Book Review

By Blogger:
Dee Szuba

I have to say that Mel Todd's My Luck has completely captivated me, and a big part of that is due to her incredible descriptions of old wartime buildings. The way she paints these scenes is just mesmerizing; I feel like I’m right there, walking through those crumbling, ancient structures, feeling the history and magic woven into their very walls. Her attention to detail has kept me hooked from beginning to end, making every page a visual delight.

What really stands out to me is how, before each chapter, Mel Todd takes a moment to explain how the magic works in this world. It’s such a unique and engaging aspect of her writing that I find it incredibly appealing. Instead of just diving straight into the action, she lays down a magical framework that enriches the story and adds depth to the world-building. It’s a refreshing change, and it makes the reading experience feel more immersive and thought-provoking.

The story itself is well-written, even if it doesn’t follow a traditional plot structure. I’m intrigued by how Cori’s life seems to be the catalyst for so many events throughout the book. Something is compelling about a character who is unknowingly at the center of so much chaos and change. I’m really hoping we get more mystery and background on her situation with her twin brother in the upcoming books. I have my theories, which I’ll get into in the spoilers, but for now, I’m just excited to see where this series goes. I can’t wait to dive into the next book in the Twisted Luck series, Hired Luck. Let’s see what happens next!

Book Spoilers

Disclaimer: This section might contain Spoilers about the book because, as we read the books we try to provide readers with information that might catch them off guard  and/or trigger them to in one way or another. This is the main reason for this blog was created.

If you're looking for a relatively safe story to read, I think My Luck by Mel Todd is a great choice, especially for young adults who enjoy a book filled with twists and turns. With the way Cori's luck works, there's never a dull moment in her life or in the story. The plot keeps moving in unexpected directions, keeping readers on their toes. However, I do want to give a heads-up that around the middle of the book, during the chapters discussing what happens when mages emerge into their powers, there is a brief mention of a girl being raped during her emergence, leading her to kill the attacker. It's just a sentence or two, but it's worth noting if this is something you'd want to be aware of before diving in.

Spoiler Alert:

I have to say, Joe is my absolute favorite character in this whole story. Her humor and bubbly personality really shine through, making her such a delight to read. The fact that she’s Cori’s best friend only makes it better because they balance each other out so well. Cori can be pretty down and serious, while Joe is upbeat and cheerful. It’s like they’re complete opposites, but that’s what makes their friendship so strong and enjoyable. But seriously, what’s up with Cori's parents basically disowning her over her brother’s death? Blaming her for everything that happened is just so messed up—she was just a child, and it’s unfair to put all that guilt on her shoulders.

That being said, I have this theory that Cori actually emerged the day her brother died, and that’s the real reason he got killed. I think her emergence went unnoticed because it was so unexpected, and she wasn’t aware of it. Based on the descriptions of the magic at the beginning of each chapter, I believe Cori is part of a spirit mage group and might have a rare luck-based gift. She seems to be able to change the luck of others and herself, but only when she’s really focused on what she wants to do. Have you noticed how things tend to go her way when she concentrates? And the dandruff thing—I think it’s her body shedding skin as a side effect of using her magic without realizing it. Anyway, I’m super excited to see where the story goes next in Hired Luck. Can't wait to dive into the next book!

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