The War Of Two Queens

Blood and Ash
Jennifer L. Armentrout
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Book Synopsis

From the desperation of golden crowns…

Casteel Da’Neer knows all too well that very few are as cunning or vicious as the Blood Queen, but no one, not even him, could’ve prepared for the staggering revelations. The magnitude of what the Blood Queen has done is almost unthinkable.

And born of mortal flesh…

Nothing will stop Poppy from freeing her King and destroying everything the Blood Crown stands for. With the strength of the Primal of Life’s guards behind her, and the support of the wolven, Poppy must convince the Atlantians generals to make war her way—because there can be no retreat this time. Not if she has any hope of building a future where both kingdoms can reside in peace.

A great primal power rises…

Together, Poppy and Casteel must embrace traditions old and new to safeguard those they hold dear—to protect those who cannot defend themselves. But war is only the beginning. Ancient primal powers have already stirred, revealing the horror of what began eons ago. To end what the Blood Queen has begun, Poppy might have to become what she has been prophesied to be—what she fears the most.

As the Harbinger of Death and Destruction.

The Hook

Two Queen's go Head to Head in this masterful Chess Game of Dueling Queens.

Wow! That is all I have to say for this book. As Poppy comes into her power, the things she says and does would make Casteel proud. But let’s take a step back for a minute. Isobath was the Queen of Soules the whole time and talk about having sympathy for the enemy. In the previous book you almost feel bad for Isobath with the loss of her son and love of her life, no wonder she goes crazy. But this just goes to show you that love is powerful but is it more powerful then hate.

I feel that in this book we will find that out because the title alone gives away what this third book is about “The War of Two Queens. I mean come on the last book end with Poppy chopping off the head of the King of Soules if that isn’t a declaration of war I don’t know what is. Needless to say, I am excited to read this next book and see Poppy unleash herself on the Queen of Soules her mother. I am also hoping that Poppy and Kiran can save Casteel before he loses his mind again. I anticipate that this will be another good book in this series and who know maybe it will become my next favorite.

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Book Review

By Blogger:
Dee Szuba

So ok, this might not be my next favorite book, but it was close. I can’t stress this enough… love is Powerful and frankly I think this is the theme throughout all of the books in this series so far. This was a masterful game of chess between dueling queens, and I am amazed with not only the additional truths that get revealed in this book, but the ending is epic. I love how Poppy matures in this book and how she handles taking over the towns and villages that she liberates from the Queen of Soules.

Although, I do anticipate that if Poppy keep letting her temper get the better of her she is going to do something she will regret. I also love how in this book we have a split in perspectives from Poppy side and then Casteel’s. It adds more depth to the book and shows us how Casteel feels about certain events in this book, as well as his fear as he’s kept prisoner by Isobath. I especially love Casteel’s defiance in the face of his captor. I only hope that this split perspective continues throughout the books but I think it was only for this one book because of Poppy and Casteel not being together for half the book.

Book Spoilers

Disclaimer: This section might contain Spoilers about the book because, as we read the books we try to provide readers with information that might catch them off guard  and/or trigger them to in one way or another. This is the main reason for this blog was created.

This book had it all including yes a few things to keep in mind. In part of this book, they do have descriptive scenes about the whole slaughter of innocents including babies that are described as being ripped apart. It is also inferred that Females are raped before they were murdered. But the books don’t go into details about that. There is also inferences to torture and abuse as the book progressively makes you hate Ascended more and more show their depravity.

The Last thing I want to reference in about this that may offend some groups of people is that there is a part in this book where Poppy, Casteel, And Kiran complete the joining as a sort of safety net for Kiran when he is cursed. This scene has all three naked and after the ceremony they all sleep together which may offend some people who don’t approve of that type of lifestyle. I have been back and forth as to whether or not I should tag this book under LGBTQ+ but I haven’t decided yet if enough of this would fall under this category, but put your comment below as to what you think if I should add that tag or not.

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